Chapter Nineteen- Protect

Start from the beginning

He groaned, leaning forward as his hands tried to protect his private areas. Noticing my attack, his friends were quick to come after me but I had Ryan and he was just as quick. He used himself as a human shield as he pushed the other guys away, leaving me to deal with Scott. 

"What is wrong with you? Why do you think you can just beat up whoever you want?" I asked, my hands turning into fists by my side. Scott stood up, his mask gone, revealing his frustrated and miserable face. 

"Because I'm angry and- I'm confused," he replied, his eyes begging for me to understand but I couldn't sympathize with this human. 

"You're angry? I'm angry!" But he said nothing and instead, leaned forward, forcing me against the lockers in order to place his lips against mine. Shocked, I stood still, completely taken off guard and not sure as to what to do. 

But before I could push him off, Ryan was already pulling him away, his eyes wide with anger and confusion. His fist went back before connecting with Scott's face. Gasping, I pushed myself further into the lockers, my mind still fuzzy from the surprise kiss. 

"Don't you ever touch him," Ryan spat before pushing Scott onto the ground.

"What's going on here?" the principal yelled as he rushed towards us. Before I could even process what was happening, I was pulled away from the group of angry guys and into the outside world, the fresh air filling my lungs and bringing me back to reality. 

"Ryan," I called but he ignored me, his hand tightly gripping my wrist so he could drag me back to his bike. Understanding that he wasn't in the mood to talk, I allowed him to lead me away. 

/ / / / / 

"Thanks for the ride," I stated in a low voice as I handed his helmet back. 

"Get some rest," was all he said. I nodded before walking to the house. "Wait, Logan!" I glanced over my shoulder to watch him run towards me. With hands on both sides of my face, he pulled our faces closer together before connecting our lips. The kiss was soft, gentle, and loving as if he was trying to remind me of our love. "Please, don't let anyone else kiss those beautiful lips of yours."

"I didn't kiss Scott. He kissed me," I blurted out, "I only want you, Ryan." Smiling, he kissed me once more before hopping back onto his motorcycle. I waved him good bye.

Then, my pocket started vibrating, causing me to pull out my phone and see the picture of Sam on the front. "Hello?" I answered. 

"I don't know if I can do this, Logan- I'm not strong enough-" Sam cried on the other end. 

"What are you talking about, Sam?" There was a long pause on the other side of the line, signaling the beginning of my journey to her house. "Sam? Talk to me."

"I was trying to think of what to do to keep my mind of it. But nothing helps. I just figured it would best to-"

"Don't say it. I know it's hard just please don't hang up. Keep talking." I then began running, sprinting, trying to go as fast as my small legs could carry me. My mission was to stop her before she did anything stupid. I never realized how much of a struggle she must have been going through. I thought I was weak but compared to her at the moment, I was strong. 

"I just- I think I'm going to go now." 

"No, stay with me. What are you doing right now?"

"Looking up what kind of pills would kill me faster." But before I could respond, I was already at her house and the call had been ended. Of course, the front door was locked but I didn't let that stop me. I grabbed one of the gnomes that sat on her front porch and used it to break the glass on the front door. 

I knew her parents would kill me for vandalizing their property but it was in order to save their daughter. They had to understand that. 

Stupidly, I stuck my bare hand through the gaping hole in the glass, earning myself a few bloody cuts, I unlocked the door and rushed inside. I had been in her house so many times that I knew it like the back of my hand. I ran up the stairs and into her bedroom- she wasn't there. 

I then tried her bathroom and lucky for me, I found her. She was sitting on the tub, desperately trying to open her pill bottle, dark eyeliner smudged around her bright eyes. 

"Go away! Let me do this!" she yelled as she tried to position herself away from me. With tears of my own, I rushed towards her, my hands gripping the bottle in her hands. We struggled with it for a few minutes before the bottle eventually popped open and all of it's contents were emptied onto the floor. "No, look what you did!" 

But I didn't allow her to bend down and grab them. Instead, I held her to my chest as she struggled against me and I lowered us to the floor. "No, you should've let me- I just" she sobbed into my chest, her eyeliner rubbing off on my shirt. 

I didn't bother to wipe my tears from my face. Instead, I wiped hers with one hand and the other combing her hair away from her face. 

"It's okay. I'm here, I'm here," I shushed her as we rocked back and forth, her stained face pressed to my chest. It wasn't until then did I notice the loud, ear splitting bell that echoed throughout the house. I should've known the house had an alarm system, which meant the parents and the cops would be home very shortly. But I tried not to worry about it and focused my attention on the crying girl in my arms. "I'm here."

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