"You two should do fencing. Both of you were pirates on the Isle correct? You would enjot it," she says with a soft smile that fades when I scoff.

"Don't tell me what I will and won't enjoy," I spat out and Harry nudges me.

"Can we check it out? I don't want to get rusty," Harry asks with puppy dog eyes. I groan in response. I could never say no to him.

"Fine. Only for you my love," I say and he drags me out of the classroom with an exited smile as the bell rings.


We entered the gym and all the boys stared at us. I rolled my eyes and Harry nudged me. I sighed and glared at everyone.

"Who's in charge here." I ask and they point to Ben. He walks over with an exited smile.

"Hello Harry and Hadrian. What are you two doing here," he asks and I nudge Harry to answer.

"We want in," he says with a cocky grin and I look down at him with narrowed eyes. He gives me puppy dog eyes again and I sigh with a small grin.

"Yes, of course," he says and motions for us to follow him. Everyone is still taring at us so I glare at them and they go back to what they were doing. Ben leads us to a locker room and points at some fencing uniforms, helmets, and swords. I eye the swords with a smirk and Harry is bouncing with excitement.

"Suit up and join us back in the gym," Ben says and walks out. I sigh and walk over to the uniforms to find mine and Harry's size while he looks at the helmets. I grab our sizes and he hands me my helmet. We get dressed and I smirk at Harry when he takes his shirt off. He blushes from my gaze and playfully shoves me as I laugh. We walk out with swords in hand and our helmets in our arm. Ben waves us over and I see two people standing next to him.

"This is Chad and Austin. I want to see your skills with a sword. Harry I'll pair you with Chad and Hadrian with Austin," Ben says and I sigh with annoyance. Harry nods and walks to one long mat and I walk to the other, putting on my helmet. I stand across from Austin as he puts on his helmet.

"Salute," Ben shouts and we raise the swords to our face before whipping it back down to our sides. "Enguard!"

Austin swings his sword and I block it with ease. That continues for a few minutes before I get bored and start to swing at him. I glance over at Harry and see Chad shove him down with his shoulder. Harry shoots up, ripping the mask off and getting in his face. Austin pokes me with his sword but I pay no mind to him. I storm over and push Chad back, pointing my sword at his neck after taking the tip off.

"Who do you think you are blondie," I yell at him and his face pales. Harry puts his arm on my shoulder and I look at him. He motions for me to stop and I put my sword down immediately. Chad backs up quickly and my hands go to Harry's cheeks.

"Are you alright my love," I ask softly and he nods.

"Yes my love. I'm fine. I promise," he says, putting his hands on my waist as I kiss his forehead. Ben jogs over to us.

"Everything good here," he asks and I flare at him with a sneer on my face.

"Keep him away or I chop him in two," I spit out at him, my voice laced in venom. He nods with a nervous look and I grab Harry's hand and drag him into the locker room. I storm over to my clothes and Harry follows me and watches as I angrily get changed, mumbling threats about Chad. When I finish getting dressed I feel arms wrap around me and I see Harry looking up at me with a small smile and love in his eyes. I can't help but smile back as I hug him back. We walk out hand in hand and I glare at everyone who looks at us.

Two Evils ~ Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now