«Self Comforting alone»

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(Johnnies pov)
The car came to a stop as we made it home. Jake looked over at me to see if I was alright and I just gave him a small smile. I wasn't in the mood to talk, not even to him. Which was a new low for me honestly. I always wanna be around Jake, Even when I prefer to be alone at times.
"Do you want me to order take out?.. I know tonight has been rough for both of us. Maybe we can watch a movie? Talk for a bit.." Jake tried to get my mind off of what happened earlier. But it really wasn't helping..The sound of food right now makes me sick honestly. I don't think I can stomach it right now. I just wanna sleep this off.
"It's fine. I'm not hungry right now. I'm just gonna sleep." I mumbled harshly with an annoyed tone. It was obvious that Jake was hurt by my tone in voice but I just didn't want to feel anything. Not right now.
Me and Jake walked inside the house and I immediately took off my shoes, heading to my room. I didn't wanna be around anyone at all. I can't be around anyone..
I sit on my bed and move some clothes on the floor so I had more room to lay down. I grabbed my phone and opened TikTok just to relax a bit from reality but ofc the first thing that pops up is a video of Sam and Colby at the party. That's pretty fucking annoying honestly, that's the last thing I wanna think about. The last thing I wanna remember..
(Time skip still johnnies pov)
I was calmed down for the most part so I decided to change with the energy I had left. I was obviously not gonna take off my makeup or fix my hair. Thats just a pain in the ass to do-
Before I can even remove my shirt someone knocks on my door. It was obviously Jake since nobody else lived here so I let him in
"Hey dude! Ik you said you weren't hungry but I decided to get some Chick-fil-A! I know how much you love their Mac n cheese so I got you someee!" Jake said in a enthusiastic tone, It was obvious he was trying his best to cheer me up and it was working. It wasn't the food though, it was just him. Hes so sweet to me for no reason..It's cute.
"Thanks Jake, and sorry for being such a cock sucker to you in the car-"
I took the food and apologized about my Aditude in the car earlier- it wasn't his fault it happened, It was done and over with. I can't change what happened let alone blame it on others, Especially him.
"It's no probably dude! I know everyone was a bit tensed in the moment so it's no biggie!"
Jake replied. And then he smiled.. I love his smile so much. It brings me comfort, Smth I don't get often..
"Thanks again man, Yk, I was thinking about what you said earlier about the movie-"
Before I can continue I was cut off by Jakes phone ringing. Way to ruin the moment huh?
"Hold on Johnnie! I'ma take this real quick!"
Jake responded to the ringing of his phone and walked into the hallways. Leaving me alone in my room with a few thoughts, Not good ones though.
After some time Jake came back with a smile on his face while I was staring at Mac n cheese on my night stand.
"Hey! Welcome back dude, Like I was saying about the movie-"
Again I was cut off. But by Jake this time.
"Oof, Sorry Johnnie.. Tara asked if I wanted to catch a quick meal with her"
Right. Something always has to come up especially when I wanna hangout with Jake and I need comfort.
"That's fine! We can just do it tomorrow don't worry-" i laugh It off with a plastered smile. Really it wasn't fine. But I wasn't gonna tell him that duhh. I'm not gonna control what he does. Though I did really wanna spend the night with him.
After Jake left I grabbed my still warm Mac and cheese and headed downstairs to put it in the fridge. I didn't feel like eating like I said before.
I walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch I smelt like alcohol since I didn't get a chance to change. It was just me, alone with my thoughts.. I just wish Jake was here.. I know I said before I didn't wanna be around him but I just-.. miss him. I don't wanna be alone right now. I wanted him to hug me.. I wanted to hear his voice making sure I was ok. I just wanted him..

I could feel myself tearing up as I hugged my knees. I just hated being alone. Especially at a time like this.
"Self Comforting alone sucks.."
I mumbled out before letting myself cry silently.

Scars I kiss at night. (Jw x Jg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن