Stims(Slimecicle and Quackity)

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Sorry, I've been gone for a while. But I'm back now and I'm excited to get back to writing!
TW- mentions of ableism and Dream.
Slimecicle POV: Quackity from las Nevadas was going to teach me his way. His rules.
I like rules, structure you know. Plus, Quackity was my friend. I think. I don't know what friends are but this cool guy
Ran-boo taught me or Atleast tried too. Anyway! Me and Quackity are going through out las navasda and his telling me all these rules and I guess  I let it slip. I kinda started flapping my hands. I was just really excited and nervous at the same time.
"Slime, what are you doing?"
I looked at him. Not directly at him but yk at him.
" Nothing, sorry."
He looked at me in confusion
" Why are you sorry, I don't mind"
What! He didn't mind!  All the others minded when I did it. Fundy from L'manburg, Purpled from I forgot actually where he's from and Dream from the Dream Smp. Tommy even thought I was annoying!
" You don't?"
"No slime. Why? Do others mind?"
I thought for a second
Should I answer or not.
"Nope!" I exclaimed
" Are you sure?"
Dang it! He could see through my mask.
"Y-yep" I wish I was like Ran-boo. He had a reason why he couldn't look people in the eyes. I mean, I do too! Just not one that Quackity is aware of. Ranboo knows. I don't know how but he dose.
" Okay. Whatever you say slime"
Quackity's POV:
Why didn't he trust me. I know that Slimecicle is autistic but why won't he tell me.
He seemed really off when I asked him if anyone had problems with it. The stimming I think Ran called it. See, a few weeks ago Slimecicle had what Ran would call a "meltdown" I didn't know what that was but he knew. He calmed Slime down and then he told me. Slime doesn't remember that night at all but I do.
" I know" I blurted out. Sh!t Qucakity what were you thinking
" What."
" I said I know about your autism slime"
" How."
He didn't seem upset or angry that I knew. I mean for a slime I suppose he wouldn't know what emotions were but he knew, he just didn't use them correctly.
"Ran told me"
" When."
" After you had a meltdown a couple weeks back"
"Oh. Okay! Should we keep slugging along or-"
I cut him off
" You don't care that I know?"
"No. Should I" he looked almost confused
"Okay then!"
And then we kept walking and I kept telling him the rules. Apparently,he likes rules
Sometimes he would stim so hard that slime would get everywhere but I wouldn't tell him that cause he was way to happy for me to tell him so I just cleaned it up later.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. O7

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