Chapter 8

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Location: The Zen'in Clan

Injured members of the clan were down knocked out on the floor with some slash marks

The only one who stood above them was Ren himself

But before this shit happened let's recap. After declaring that he will be talking the two Zen'in twins by force if he has too

Naobito made a foolish decision to send everyone in the clan against Ren, Even the two named Jinichi and Ogi Zen'in

Even the squads of the Zen'in clan had. Ren being the man that he is, welcomed the challenge. What followed was an absolute no diff of them Zen'in clan

Zangetsu wasn't really impressed by the Zen'ins, because back in his time this clan didn't really interest him

The only thing that is valuable in this clan was the ten shadow's more specifically Mahoraga

Mahoraga did give him trouble, Keep in mind......some. But he obliterated the shinkigami with one attack he couldn't adapt too

But during this whole fight there was one person that stood out amongst the males in the clan

There was a woman who was had a curse technique similar to Naobito Zen'in

Her name was Naoya Zen'in

She was injured looking up at Ren who stood tall, and near her where Naobito, Ogi and Jinichi who were knocked out on the floor

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She was injured looking up at Ren who stood tall, and near her where Naobito, Ogi and Jinichi who were knocked out on the floor

Ren: Like I said, sending the entire clan against a special grade like me is absurd. You've guys officially shamed your clan even more and wasted my time

Naoya: S-Shut your mouth weakling

Ren: You should not be talking when your client is literally slumped on the ground. How about you try to get stronger huh

Ren: I mean honestly what do you guys even do then belittle people in the jujutsu society. You guys are to stock up on your old ways and you guys cannot progress. Those twins that I came for have more potential than you and everyone else here

Ren: If you can't change your mindset then you can never progress or get stronger

Naoya: Y-You

Ren: Crap, I've said enough for today. You've officially wasted my time, now I'll go and clean what I came for

Naoya: Y-You Think you're better than us just because you're a special grade?!

Ren: Honey, in my 17 years of life... I'm better at life than you

Naoya looked like she was about to bust a vessel

Naoya looked like she was about to bust a vessel

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