POV Isen/AU Forgotten God Rei

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Main pov: Isen
AU: Isen is an archeologist who has stumbled onto the land of a forgotten god--Rei
Theme: None
Ship: None

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tw: mentioned family member attempting to murder

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A/N: ignore the (1), (2), etc

theyre for notes at the end of the drabble. do not actually read them

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His eyes widened dramatically as he saw the body move.

It moved lankily, like a broken skeleton barely holding itself together with the loose skin on its body. The kind of sight that would make you feel like you had no where to hide. He wanted to puke

The air seemed to get hotter. Much hotter. It became harder to breathe. He thought he might be losing oxygen (he was right). He felt dizzy. It felt like he was inhaling--and enclosed in--hot metal. Like his skin was being skinned off by a hot metal spoon.

This was so not on his "to-do" list.

This was on his "oh fuck" list.

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Now, I bet you're wondering how he got into that situation.

(1) See, Isen was a self-proclaimed "archaeologist." He went around looking for lost and abandoned temples and would take any "artifacts" he found.

Read: artifacts means things he thinks are cool and wants to keep, or things that would sell well.

He was also a self-proclaimed "merchant." He sold the shit he found, as well as information on the side. Being in taverns all the time and traveling around can give you a pretty wide range of knowledge. Or you could just lie. He did that too. He was quite good at it actually!

That's how he got the boat he used to get here this morning, actually. Bargained with the guy for a lower price for the sailboat and half of those coins were counterfeit.

Hey, he should have known better than to trust a liar. He must have been an honest man, though, otherwise he would have noticed Isen was lying. Takes a liar to know a liar. Well, not his problem.


Isen sailed the boat near the rocky shore, not wanting to take off from the small continent he lived on just yet. He hadn't ever seen the rocky cliff sides of (2) Unrrithdin before. Maybe there was something there he could steal. I mean salvage.

He sailed for awhile, silently watching the cliffs change shape and the skyline dance with the sun and moon. He could see the stars shimmer in the water's reflection. Cold melodies blew softly in the wind. It was peaceful like this. A feeling he was rarely allowed to have.

And then his ship was fucking bodied into the rocks as the tide was suddenly filled with the absolute rage of the (3) sea god.

As Isen mentally told the sea god to suck his absolute fucking dong, he flew as he was positively launched from his ship, landing in a perfectly soft bedding of sharp hillside.

The fact he just survived that was actually absurd.

He laid there in the rocks staring up at the sky, and completely unaware of his surroundings, as one does. Currently, all he could see were stars and the occasional image of his (4) grandma trying to kill him. His vision was dotting. This was so not yass slay vibes.

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