A painful spike hit their forehead, making them clutch it with their now free hands, and feeling a small spike - one that continued to grow.

"Oh fuck," They whispered. Now was not the time.

Shaking their head to get rid of the thoughts swirling around; they had no time to reminisce and wait. They had to leave

Pulling themself up, Y/N looked up; the door that once was kept shut, now splintered and smashed against the floor. The wall that was connected to it had been completely demolished.

With no hesitance, they ran forward. Giving not another feel towards the now growing horns on their head, nor another glance to the growing navy, white-starred appearance that their right arm was beginning to show.

Running past the corpses of the civilians they had once shared a Nation with; corpses that were laying in pools, gushing rivers of red; limps missing, heads disconnected and laying a few feet away, organs spilling out of their bodies.

Grief-stricken, Y/N ran and ran, picking up a polearm than had laid beside a fallen knight on the way. Seeing the riftwolves in front of them, they jumped upwards. 

I don't want to see this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to-

A scream erupted from their throat, straining their vocal cords as they fell down to the ground again, a dark navy aura emitting them. With as much strength as they could in their weakened state, slammed their fist into what once was green with soil, but now barren of any life.

The riftwolves clicked and whirled, metallic heads bowed down in disorientation. Y/N used the advantage, raising their right hand and with a flick of their wrist, dark navy smoke emitted from it, circling around one of the riftwolves and threw their hand back, yanking the wolf towards them. Raising the polearm, they struck towards the monster. Struck, sliced and attacked until all the riftwolves around were eliminated. 

Y/N stood in the middle of the mini battlefield, breathing heavily, blood seeping from the claw marks that now stained their body.

Looking to the side at the sound of a cry, they saw a small boy cradling the corpse of his mother, loud sobs wracking his body, and a small pool of purple under him as violet smoke emitted from around his.

The sound of his name made Y/N's e/c eyes widen in shock.


They took a step forward towards the boy, but the sound of their name being called over the sounds of machine parts falling to the ground, a large rumble of the earth causing them to almost become off-balanced.

E/c eyes met with ocean-starred eyes, as they almost felt relief, until they saw that he was carrying a familiar body. The two stared at each other for a moment; fires raging around them, becoming more ravenous as the wind from the fallen giant ruin guard fell to the ground, a dark purple light emitted from their left, as well as a scream.

Slow steps turned into a run, skidding to a stop in front of Dainsleif and the corpse of Halfdan, light brown hair matted with blood, wounds - old and new, scarred and battle-worn - scattered across his face, blue eyes wide and open, glazed over with lifelessness.

"Y/N, you have to leave," Dainsleif looked at them, not even giving the horns that had grown to half their original size a glance, ocean eyes blinking away the tears. Y/N looked at him, his pale-skinned smeared with blood, both his own, his own comrades and his own citizens. "You have to go now!"

Y/N shook their head, hand tightening its grip on the polearm, "I'm not leaving."

"You're leaving." Dainsleif glared at them.

𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐲, var!genshin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now