After the mark had manifested, it was like their powers had been unlocked. The powers they had previously suddenly appeared, and were extremely easy to control, just like Y/N had practised with them for thousands of years. It was equally as weird, as when they had practised with their powers (in secret, obviously), it reminded a lot of Dainsleif's future powers; the abyssal-like power. Except, it was more like it had come from the three Moon Sisters...

It was all extremely confusing, and Y/N wasn't going to spend time asking why, when they had been granted the power. They had also realised they could do a lot more with their power than thought originally. Telekinesis was something easy to master, Y/N had found out, as well as just being able to use their ability for more things than just empowering themself. Teleportation was just as convenient. Though, they couldn't rely on their original abilities due to the... artificial-ness of the sun and moon in Khaenri'ah.

But Y/N digressed. Learning new skills (and also finding out they had new powers) was fun and exciting, even when they knew they had to be extremely careful.

It wasn't like someone wished them into this world like you wished for characters in the game, right?


Back to our main character, Y/N followed Rhinedottir into the laboratory and placed the stack of papers on the chaotically messy desk, looking up at her.

The laboratory wasn't much, but it was much larger than the office; stone walls making the place feel more like a prison than anything else. Large empty cages were stored in one of the corners, as well as a door to the left that would take you to where the growls were coming from, as well as the occasional mechanical whirl. A normal office desk was sat at the back, a chair tucked into it. A few candles were lit around on the walls, as well as one singular candle on the desk.

There was a few large bookshelves full of science books - both created by Rhinedottir, and by other scientists - and a few desks full of ruffled papers of sketches and equations with scribbles on them. There was a wooden stand with a massive sketchpad on that Rhinedottir used for sketching out possible uses for Khemia.

Another shelf was full of different coloured liquids, a shelf that Y/N was never ever going to touch, and that wasn't even because Rhinedottir had forbidden it, she hadn't said much, but Y/N was not going to mess with something like that. Every superhero story started in a lab and fallen chemicals, and that was not their life.

Rhinedottir hummed, placing a finger to her chin in thought. Eyes scanning the documents, then to the place where the growls were coming from. After a moment of contemplation, she said, "Alright, I think that's enough for today, Y/N. You've been keeping up with the books I've lent you, hm?"

"Yes, I have." Y/N responded, straightening their back, e/c glinting in the candlelight. The books spoken on were ones written by Rhinedottir on the art of Khemia, explaining the basis of it, how it was important, and what was needed for it. "It was very interesting, thank you. Have you got anymore on the topic of Khemia I may borrow?"

With a light tilt of her lips, curving into a smirk, Rhinedottir giggled. "Of course I have more. I knew you'd be an excellent student."

Missing the malicious glint in her gold eyes, Y/N smiled at the woman as she walked over to the bookshelf, fingers gliding over the books until she found the one she was looking for and passed it to them.

"Here, read this one next," Rhinedottir smiled, gold eyes lighting up with light malignancy, "How about I give you a few days rest? You've been in basically everyday without any sick days  for a while now, you deserve a break. It'll give you time to read the book, and by the time you come back, I'll have a lot of things sorted and I'll show you something."

𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐲, var!genshin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now