True Haunted House Stories

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This story happened to my boyfriend and his family before the pandemic. He used to live in a house that he swore was haunted. The first story happened to his uncle. He lived with my boyfriend and his family in the apartment above theirs. My boyfriend told me that his uncle was one day in his room doing his own thing when he heard someone knock at his appartment door. When he went to check who it was, he saw that there was no one there. He went downstairs to ask my boyfriend and his family if they had knocked but they said no. He didn't think much about it for that time being. The next story happened to my boyfriend and a couple of his cousins while they were playing hide and seek. While they were playing, they disstinctly saw a lady standing at the end of the hallway wearing a Hmong dress. They freaked out and went to tell my boyfriend's uncle but when he went to go check, she was gone. The third story happened to his uncle also. He had come back home late one night and when he had gone into his house and was getting ready for bed, he saw that same lady that my boyfriend and his cousins had seen standing in the bathroom. They moved out soon after that.
Well, to be honest, I think there is something in my house. I have had a lot of paranormal experiences in this house and I am going to tell you a few. One day, I was home alone. I was in my room watching tv when I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I paused the tv and listened closely but didn't hear anything anymore so I just brushed it off. About an hour later, I was getting ready to shower and when I was in the bathroom, I heard someone calling my name. I knew for sure that I was alone because my mom usually called me when they were on their way back so I quickly finished showering and went to my sister's room to wait until my family came back since I didn't want to be in my room alone. Speaking of that room, it always gave me a weird vibe. One day I was watching youTube while in that room when I started to hear a music box winding up and starting to play. We do not own any music boxes. The other expierience also happened in that room. It was late and I was half-asleep when I felt someone laying down next to me. I was creeped out since none of my family would do that. The only person that would probably do that would be my little brother but he always slept with my parents. I want to ask any of you what you recomend that I do because I am still living in this house.

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