Chapter One: Driftmark

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The gardens in Kings Landing were Aemma's favorite, mostly because no one was ever there... and it was quiet. The royal family was chaotic sometimes, full of fake smiles and forced civility. The young princess was tired of such things, and her only escape was her dragon or the gardens. Mother had banned her from riding her dragon until her wrist healed completely - she and Nightdreamer had taken an accidental tumble while flying, so the gardens it was. The sky had been clear earlier, but now it was raining, heavy drops of condensation hitting the ground and flowers with a certain ferocity. Aemma finds herself wondering why Mother Nature was so angry today.

Aemma sits at the gazebo, watching the rain with interested eyes. She then catches sight of someone walking towards the gazebo, getting themselves soaked in the process. She realizes that this person is none other than her father, Ser Laenor Velaryon. "Father? What are you doing?" Aemma finds herself shooting up from her seat, rushing to the entrance where her father meets her halfway. "You'll catch a cold, and then Mother will be angry!" She pauses before looking at him with wide eyes. "Why on earth didn't you grab an umbrella?" Laenor simply laughs, using his wet hand to wipe away the rain from his face, not doing a very good job at it. "You don't think very well sometimes, father," Aemma says as she pokes Laenor with the tip of her umbrella.

"Your mother wishes for you to return to the castle, she fears you may come down with something being in this rain," Laenor says as he grabs the umbrella from his daughter, and she shrugs her cover on as they walk back into the rain, this time being covered from the rain. "She worries about you; she seems to think that you've been distant lately." They are greeted by Ser Criston as they reach the door that leads inside, the knight looking a little perplexed at their arrival. Laenor nods at Cole in a friendly manner, but it is not returned. "You should not be out in this wretched weather, princess," Ser Cole says as he looks at the young girl.

Aemma reached for her father's arm, smiling at Cole as she explains that she has her father to protect her from the wicked gods of sickness.

"Quite, now you'll have to excuse us, Princess Rhaenyra is expecting us." Laenor squeezes his daughter's hand as he walks away from Criston toward the King's bedroom. This is where Rhaenyra dwelled, spending some personal time with her father as he worked on his figures. Aemma enjoyed coming here as well, as she was rather close to her grandfather.

Once they enter the room, Aemma is met with the sight of her mother, holding a little bundle in her arms. This must be her new sibling; she thinks as she speeds towards her mother. Not very ladylike, but she knew she'd be excused this one time.

"My Love," Rhaenyra coos at her oldest as the young princess rushes to hold her new brother. "This is your new brother, Joffrey." Rhaenyra hands her newborn son to his sister with a gentle smile on her face. Aemma had always been so good with her brothers, they were so comforting to Rhaenyra. In truth, her children saved her from a dark time in her life. Her daughter especially.

Her only precious girl.

"You look wet, darling, what's happened?" Alicent questions as she sees the water on the young girl's cheek. "She was out in the gardens, Your Grace," Laenor answers for his daughter as she holds Joffrey in her arms gently, smiling down at the new addition to her family. He was smaller than Luke was. "You'll catch a cold, Love," Rhaenyra groans from where she stands next to her father, though she could feel herself slowly giving up on the argument.

"I must tend to my children," Alicent says, obviously trying to excuse herself. "Do meet me for tea tomorrow morning, Princess." Aemma nods her head happily and hands her brother to her father before walking towards her mother.

"Are you doing well, Mother?" Aemma asks, clasping her mother's hand in her own gently. Rhaenyra smiles widely before pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.

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