New You

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I sit in the corner of the bunker waiting for Pine Tree to awake. God this kid can sleep. I'm tired of waiting. Well if he's not waking up right now, I might as well start now. So I pull out a knife roll up his sleeves and carve a triangle with an eye in the middle. Perfect. Well I'm gonna wake him up now. Snap.

"Aaaah!" He yells. Should I say I yell? Eh, forget it. "What the hell!"

"Your welcome." I say. He looks at his arm and yells again. "Will you stop with the screaming?!"

"I'm sorry, I wake up in a suspicious looking room and have something carved in my arm. Of course I'm gonna yell."

"Look around." He does as I say.

"Is this the bunker?"

"Correctamundo, younger me."

"Don't call me that."

"Yeah, okay. So I'm just gonna snap my fingers."

"No! Don't you dare!" I snap my fingers. He yells in agonizing pain and falls to the ground. His vest turns yellow with a pyramid design and his bow tie turned black. He starts chuckling and slowly gets up. He looks up to my face to show his yellowed eyes and thinned pupils. "So this is the new me? I like it."

"Yes, it is the new you." The plan is going too well, I'm almost scared that something's gonna get in my way. Ha ha ha ha, nah.

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