Who's Who

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"Great. You didn't kill a single person. You idiot." Bill says.

"Hey, I'm technically you."

"No, 'cause I killed them successfully. Ha!" He finds them all gathered at Town Hall. "Lead them here." I head out and find the group, all nine of them this time. Shooting Star turns around.

"Dipper! Come here!" She saw me. Good. I turn around, she started running. Oh, you wanna play that way Shooting Star? Well so can I. I here more running footsteps. Perfect, they are following. I turn my head back. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.. Ok. I'm good. I head to the bunker and jump straight down. My leg hurts. Pain is hilarious! I go through the door and head to the room we were in. Bill, this time, looked exactly like me. I stand parallel to him. The nine of them run in.

"What is this?" Ice Bag asks.

"Bill corrupted the boy and made himself identical to him." Sixth Finger says.

"Question?" One of us asks. "Which is which?"

"Well, this is a calamity." Eyed Star says.

"Hmm," Fish says walking up to us and punches us both. We take the impact and laugh it off. "Well I'm stumped." Then Shooting Star says something I can't hear. She then walks up to us both.

"All of us are gonna ask you two a question--"

"Well that's stupid." I say.

"When we were little we fought over two activities. What were they?" I raise my hand to answer but cut off by Bill.

"Ballet and boxing." He answers. Ice Bag walks up.

"What did you attempt to get me at the Mystery Fair?"

"Panduck. Half panda, half duck." Bill says again, before me. Question Mark comes up.

"What kind of bros are we?" He asks.

"Puh-terodactyl Bros." Bill answers before me. Heart comes up.

"So, who'd you take a beating from to save me?"

"Rumble McSkirmish." Fish then comes up.

"Why'd I force you to do harder chores than Mabel?"

"To help me become stronger or a man." Glasses walks up.

"I may still be crazy, but what did you help me remember?"

"Everything about yourself." Bill won't stop answering questions and give me a chance. Eyed Star walks up.

"Why do I hate you?" He asks

"Because you think I intervened on your relationship." Sixth Finger comes up.

"What did my brother do, despite my warnings not to?"

"Opened the portal." Will Bill stop answering these questions. Finally, Llama.

"What did I ask you to do four years ago?"

"To exterminate a ghost." Bill says.

"Well it looks like you are the real Dipper." Fish says to Bill. What is this? Jealousy? Cause I'm the real Pine Tree. I think.

"No, I'm the real Pine Tree." I say.

"No, I'm the real Pine Tree." Bill mimics. That's it. I lunge towards him and him in a pile of boxes. I keep punching him. He snaps. What'd he do now.

"Over here, get Bill!" What? I look at myself. He turned me to the demon. I prefer flesh and bones over being shaped like a triangle.

"No! I'm not Bill!" I yell. I turn blue. All of them were chasing me, except Llama. Llama was leaving the bunker. I teleport to her.

"What do you want now, you jerk?" She asks.

"I'm not Bill. Please believe me." I remember when we were dancing, when I asked her to the dance and at the party four years ago.

"I-I believe you." she says. Instantly I turn back to my human form.

"You lied!" Mabel yells. I run back over to the group. Bill was back to his human form.

"Well that was pathetic." Bill says. He snaps again. What is it with the snapping? He turns to his triangle form. I'll be back...

What a Life- Gravity Falls  Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें