47- The Merchant of Death IX

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He felt hands pulling off his suit hastily. They were gentle, but obviously in a hurry. They exposed his chest and Peter could vaguely hear a sharp intake of a breath. He wondered who was undressing him, and why his whole body felt like it was on fire. His head was throbbing, his arm felt.. wrong, and his back and chest were irritated and burned. He let out a weak groan when the hands squirted a stinging liquid on the wound on his chest. Drowsily, he lifted an arm to push the hands away. He wanted them to stop. They were hurting him.

His hands were pushed down easily, and the agonizing pain went on. Peter was too tired to open his eyes or fight back, and the pain continued as he was turned to lay on his stomach. The liquid was smothered over his back, and Peter gritted his teeth. He was slowly gaining more consciousness, and the pain was turning more and more clear and excruciating. His arm was starting to feel normal again, but the rest of him burned. 

Then, finally, after what felt like hours of laying powerlessly and in pain, a soft fabric was wrapped around the wounds and he was turned to lay on his back again. For a second, Peter relaxed.

Then, he felt a hand fumbling at the seam of his mask, and Peter suddenly found the energy to open his eyes. As he blinked against the bright lights, he enclosed his hand around the metal wrist attached to the hand that was attempting to unmask him.


Peter's eyes finally focused, and he found Ironman towering above him. Peter tightened his grip on the metal, denting it slightly. 

"Kid, you're bleeding, I need to check out your head-"

"No, g-go away, stop, stop, stop-"

"Spiderman, you're going to die-"

"No, I heal 'ast,"

Ironman didn't listen, but he didn't understand. Ironman couldn't see his face. He was going to find him and hurt him and no one could know, no one could know, no one could know-

"Spidey! Jesus, you're going to die! It doesn't matter if I see your face or not!" Ironman hissed. "Why do you care if I die?" Peter said, although he hadn't really meant to. He felt sleepy and drowsy from pain and exhaustion, and he just wanted to get out of here, away from the man he was supposed to hate and back to his alleyway to just sleep it off like he always did. He didn't want Ironman to save him.

And what he wanted least of all, was for Ironman to find out about his identity, about his situation. He didn't know why, but he just knew that Ironman couldn't know.

"Why do you not care?" Ironman said, frustrated. "Because I know I'm not going to die! I heal really, really fast! Look, it doesn't even hurt anymore!" with the hand that wasn't gripping Ironman's wrist, Peter slapped his hand against the back of his head. It did sting a little bit, but Peter knew nothing was seriously wrong.

"Fine! Bleed to death. This isn't worth it," Ironman pulled his hand back and promptly burst out of the door. The door, which was metal enforced. Just great. Ironman had kidnapped him. Again.

Peter let his head fall onto the pillow with a thud. His body ached, his head was pounding and the wounds on his body were pulsing painfully. He was so, so tired. For a second, he didn't care if Ironman would come back and unmask him while he was unconscious, and Peter let his eyes slip shut.


"Okay, so, I have a problem," Tony began, to which Pepper sighed immediately. "What'd you do?" she asked tiredly, laying her fork down against her plate. "I may or may not have kidnapped Spiderman."

Pepper gaped at him and then regained her posture, pinning him down with an unimpressed stare. "Explain. Now," she demanded, so Tony quipped and joked his way through the explanation of how he had kidnapped Spiderman (again, but she didn't need to know about the first time).

"Well, is he okay, at least?" she eventually asked, worriedly, but Tony wasn't fooled by her calmness. She was going to have a fit later on. "Yes, obviously. I let Friday scan his head. Spiderling wasn't lying about healing fast, the little bastard,"

Pepper narrowed her eyes at him. "Okay, so why is he still here, Tony? You know it's a risk. If he managed to get out, he will know he's in Stark Tower," Tony swallowed a remark about how the kid hadn't known the first time he'd escaped.

"He won't get out. And he's still here, because-"

"Because what, Tony? The Avengers will be looking for him, this is really risky. You-"

"But that's the problem! The Avengers aren't looking after him, Pep, and he's so thin.. I don't think he has the supplies to take care of those wounds by himself. They're really fucking serious, I can't just let him go,"

Pepper looked at him with an examining gaze, which Tony squirmed under slightly. She had to understand that he didn't have a lot of choices here; Spidey's head may have healed okay, but those torso wounds were no joke, and the Avengers very clearly didn't care about him. Tony honestly felt the urge to bash their heads in, as well as Spiderman's parents'. He wished Spiderman would have let Tony taken of the mask, then Tony would have been able to get his files and discover who the hell was (not) feeding the kid.

"I thought you didn't do attached, Tones," Pepper eventually said, quietly.


"You can not seriously defend Spiderman after this, Clint." Steve bit out, angrily throwing his helmet on the couch in the tower. It bounced off the couch and onto the floor with a thud.

"I mean, maybe-"

"No, Clint. Ironman just took off with Spiderman, and it was very obviously not a kidnapping. Iron man is helping Spiderman! Who's to say it's not the other way around, too?" Natasha nodded in agreement with Steve, hobbling awkwardly on her twisted leg but somehow still managing to look deadly.

"Spiderman was really, really hurt by that fire and he still came to help. It isn't his fault that Ironman kidnapped him!"

"It was definitely not a kidnapping. We need to look out for Spiderman, he's not trustworthy," Steve argued back. He was sure that Ironman and Spiderman were working together. Why else would Ironman rescue Spiderman?

"Fine, we'll be careful around him, but we're not doing anything drastic unless we have actual proof."

Steve shared a look with Natasha. She nodded stiffly. "Fine. I'm off to my room, see you later," she said, turning away from them. "Nat. Go to the medbay or I'll have Steve carry you," Clint threatened. 

Nat turned toward them again, eyed Steve for a moment, considering if she could take him with a broken leg. Then, she apparently decided it wasn't worth it and headed for the elevator. 

Steve left too, a dark look on his face.


Y'all I'm so obsessed with Percy Jackson I literally already read 10 books (PJO and HOO) in like two months.. (I haven't read more than five books in the last two years before this. Send help.)

Anyway here's another chapter. I don't really like it but okay. If you have some ideas of how you want the story to go, lemme know! :)


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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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