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"Derek-" Meredith groaned as she heard the door of one of the kids' rooms open

"I'll go." He said as they sat on the couch together. He quickly got up and found Charlotte sniffling while holding tight onto her bunny

"Mama-" She started sobbing

"Oh honey!" Derek quickly lifted her and held her in his arms and made his way back to the living room

"Hey honey, what's wrong?" Meredith pushed herself up, her legs slipping off the couch

"Bad dweam!" Charlotte said and started crying, soaking Derek's shirt

He took a seat next to Meredith, both of thel hugging Charlotte tight while assuring her that dreams were not real and that she was okay

"S-Scawed-" She kept sobbing

"Derek, grab her inhaler." Meredith said quickly and lifted Charlotte in her arms. "Easy, take some deep breaths, sweetie."

Both had noticed the little girl started gasping for air so they continued doing their best to calm her down, Derek quickly made her use the inhaler which tends to make her sleepy and he hoped it would work. They always had an oxygen tank at the house, luckily they never had to use it in emergency, only as precaution

"Hmm... Mama..." The little girl muttered as her sobs slowed down

"Mommy and daddy are with you, princess. It's gonna be okay." Meredith hugged her tight

"She's exhausted." Derek rubbed her back softly

"Poor baby." Meredith muttered. "You think she's getting sick?"

"No I don't think so, maybe we should take her to bed." Derek suggested, feeling her forehead

"Can she sleep with us? Just in case she wakes up again." Meredith explained, she didn't want Charlotte to sleep on her own after the nightmare she had earlier

"Of course. Get in your wheelchair, I'll get her blanket." Derek nodded and waited until Meredith transferred and placed Charlotte in his wife's lap

"Come on, princess. Let's go." Meredith whispered and wheeled off to their bedroom, placing down next to the bed to place Charlotte on the mattress

"I'll tuck her in, get yourself changed." Derek offered

Meredith grabbed her shorts and top and quickly changed in the bathroom, then wheeled out and got herself on the bed

"Maybe you should wear your leg braces, your ankles are really swollen." Derek said as he saw his wife's legs, her ankles almost invisible from the swelling

"Hmm.." Meredith nodded as she looked at them but not wanting to move. "I will if I get up."

"Do you want me to grab them?" Derek offered

"Please." Meredith sighed and moved Charlotte so she'd be laying in between her and Derek

"Night night, my girls." Derek whispered and turned off the lights once Meredith was strapped in and Charlotte was cuddled in between them


"Shh, leave mommy and Charlie sleeping, please." Derek asked Grace

"But mommy said we'd have breakfast together." Grace frowned

"Mommy promised." Emma nodded

"Your sister didn't sleep that much.. She kept mommy up most of the night." Derek sighed

Charlotte had been crying a few times which woke up Meredith. Luckily for Derek he slept through it all but it meant Meredith had to deal with it. She even went to grab Charlie some milk

"Mommy made a promise!" Grace crossed her arms, yelling loudly, causing Charlotte to wake up. They heard the girl whimpering which lust have woken up Meredith

"Well now they've woken up." Derek muttered and entered the bedroom, followed by Grace and Emma

"Mommy, breakfast is ready.." Emma carefully said

"Hey munchkins, we'll be there soon." Meredith told them, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she hugged Charlotte

"But mommy, you need to come right away!" Grace gasped

"Coming." Meredith muttered. "I just need to use the bathroom."

"Let's go, we're going to the kitchen." Derek lifted a fuzzy Charlotte in his arms and took the two older girls with him

By the time Meredith had drained her catheter and had gotten herself warm enough and out of the night braces she hurried to the kitchen where Derek was letting Charlotte nebulize in his lap

"Was she wheezing?" Meredith yawned

"A little, better safe than sorry. Start on breakfast, everything is ready." Derek said, the older girls stubbornly waiting for their mom to join

The rest of the morning went okay, they decided to head to the garden where Derek had build them some kind of playground which was partially accessible for Meredith but Charlotte was tired and still a bit fuzzy so she was sitting on Meredith's lap, cuddled into her mom's arms

"Wow Gracie, you're going high!" Meredith smiled as Grace was swinging while Emma and Derek were playing soccer

"Mommy-" Charlotte whimpered and started moving

"Easy- Stay seated, honey." Meredith asked her daughter, the little girl's puffy jacket making it harder to hold onto her

"No!" Charlotte squirmed, causing Meredith's feet to fall off the footplate and spasm but she was wearing a catheter so the girl had to be careful

"Charlotte-" Meredith lifted her daughter and placed her on the ground, her back screaming in pain from the movement but she didn't wanna risk unplugging her catheter now

"Mommy!" Charlotte now lifted her arms but Meredith first had to make sure her legs were well positioned before she could place her daughter back onto her lap

"You need to be more gentle, Charlie.." Meredith sighed, not sure how she'd lift the girl back up, she didn't wanna disappoint her daughter or disturb her other daughter's fun to ask Derek to help her

So Meredith lifted the girl back up, pain once again shooting through her back and neck, heavily leaning against the headrest while hoping it would pass by soon

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