Chapter 2

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The group starts to explore the ruins. Well, mainly the siblings. Lucy finds an apple and takes a bite. Peter walks up some steps and looks around as Riona stares at the water.

"I wonder who lived here." Lucy speaks, gaining everyone's attention to her.

Susan notices something on the ground and picks it up. "I think we did."

They all gather around Susan to look at the golden chess knight that Susan has found.

"Hey, that's mine...from my chess set." Edmund says taking it from Susan.

"Which chess set?" Peter asks.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?" Edmund asks with a smile.

"Wait! If we aren't in Finchley, where are we?" Fiona asks in utter confusion.

Lucy looks over at the ruined dais. "It can't be."

"Lucy!" Peter yells as Lucy runs over to the dais making all of others follow.

"Don't you see?" Lucy asks.

"What?" Peter and Riona ask at the same time, making them look at each other.

"Imagine walls. ... And columns there... and a glass roof." Lucy explains making the Raven haired girl look along with them.

"I still don't see anything." Riona mutters.

"Cair Paravel." Peter realises.

Edmund bends down and looks at something. "Catapults."

"What?" Peter asks.

"This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked." Edmund announces.

The boys run over to a wall and start moving it to reveal a door behind it. They break the door down.

"Can anyone care to explain what the bloody hell is happening around me?" Riona asks knowing that she's surrounded by deaf people because since she landed in this magic world, no one answered her questions.

"We're in Narnia." Peter answers surprisingly.

"I can remember one of you mentioning the name. But I need a complete and clear explanation how far are we from Finchley and how are we going back to that stupid train." She says dramatically.

"Look, Riona. We're somewhere far away from the real world." Peter gives his explanation simply.

Riona blinks, bewildered. "I think you need to meet a mental doctor."

"Think whatever you like but it's the truth. And we can't go back until we meet Aslan." Peter continues.

"Now who the heck is this Aslan?" Riona questions once again.

"You'll meet him in the future." Lucy says with a wide smile.

"I need to meet him and go home right now." The raven haired girl demands annoyingly.

Peter ignores her as he tears off a piece of his shirt and wraps it around a stick. "I don't suppose you have any matches in there, do you?"

Riona huffs and Edmund pulls an electric torch out his bag.

"No... but would this help?"

"You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" Peter smiles whilst Lucy and Susan step inside with Edmund leading the way. Peter stops for a moment to look at the raven haired girl. "You coming, miss McKnight?" I can see the smile tugging his lips.

"Fine." She shakes her head as she follows them.

Lucy pauses when she sees the treasure chamber, and four chests below. They rush down the stairs.

"I can't believe it. It's all still here." Peter says as they all run over to the chests.

Lucy pulls out a dress from one of the chests. "I was so tall."

"Well, you were older then." Susan smiles.

"As opposed to hundreds of years later... when you're younger." Edmund says.

"What are you guys talking about?" Riona asks, watching the Pevensies. And no one responds. Rude.

Peter blows the dust away from the item in his hands, and they see the image of a Lion on a large gold plate. He looks up to see the statue standing behind his chest, and slowly

walks towards it.

"What is it?" Lucy asks as she sees Susan trying to find something.

"My horn. I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back." Susan says.

Peter slowly opens the chest near him, takes out his sword and draws it.

"When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets its death." Peter reads the inscription.

"And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." Lucy continues.

"Wait! 'His mane?' Is this Aslan guy some kind of an animal?" Riona steps into the conversation with the sudden question pop in her mind.

"Yes, he's a lion." Edmund excites and Riona patiently waits for them to laugh, telling her that they're joking. But they never did laugh. She thinks she'll end up in a mental hospital if she stays with these Pevensie siblings another hour.

Suddenly Lucy's face falls into a sad expression. "Everyone we knew... Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers... they're all gone."

"I think it's time we found out what's going on." Peter announces.

"No! It's time to explain to me what's going on!" Riona interrupts.

"You won't believe us if we tell you." Susan says.

Riona looks at their serious expressions before she lets out the two words flow out of her lips. "Try me."

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