He quickly turned to Neteyam and shook his head, giving him a look that explained everything. "That's Rotxo for you," Aonung said, his voice pained as he sighed. "I swear, he's like a little kid sometimes." Aonung let out another sigh, his expression softening as he shook his head again. "He's a good guy, though," he admitted, trying to lighten the mood. "Just a hard-case sometimes. Can you believe he actually did that to me?" He chuckled, pointing behind himself to Rotxo. Neteyam waved at Rotxo with a friendly smile, he was eager to make a good first impression on Rotxo, but the other boy seemed completely unbothered by social conventions. "Hey." Rotxo replied, simply waving back with a nonchalant air and proceeded to comb through his curly hair with his fingers, shaking out his curls. Neteyam let out a small giggle at the sight, impressed by Rotxo's lack of introduction. Neteyam redirected his attention back to Aonung to find his lips curled into a smile as he turned to look at his sister, Tsireya, Kiri and Lo'ak. Spotting them walking together a short distance away, Aonung beckoned a hand to bring them near. When they came closer, Aonung looked back at Neteyam, a sly glint in his eyes. "Would you guys be cool hanging out today?" Ao'nung suggested, emphasizing by signing "hang out" by lifting his arms up to chest level and throwing his hands forward, wriggling his fingers. Neteyam's brows raised a bit and his mouth curved into a small smile, his head tilt revealing a faint look of amusement. He chuckled softly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down ever so slightly. "We've just met," Neteyam started, "Not that that's the problem, but I don't think we could today either way... I apologize." He offered a nice apology, one that indicated he meant no offense by his refusal.

Neteyam stood up as he heard Lo'ak approaching, his loud ass voice punctuated by his own footsteps. Lo'ak seemed to be in the middle of a lively conversation when he greeted Neteyam. "What's up, bro?" He asked. Neteyam greeted him back by gently shoving the back of his head, and responded to the question with a shake of his head, which Lo'ak seemed to interpret as "nothing" as Kiri walked up to them with a bag of sunflower seeds in her hand from lunch. "Want some?" Kiri held out seeds in her hands and offered Lo'ak some, since she knew he loved eating. Lo'ak looked at his sister with an offended glare, causing her confusion. "What?" Kiri questioned, closing her hand with the seeds in them with the assumption that he didn't want any. "Do you think I'm a damn frog? I don't be eating seeds like that..." Lo'ak grunted. "Frogs don't eat seeds, dumbass." Kiri miffed, playfully hitting his stomach. Neteyam frowned at Kiri's unnecessary insult towards Lo'ak, clear that he disapproved of it. He held Lo'ak tighter in his grasp as a warning not to give in to Kiri's playful teasing. Kiri seemed unbothered as she continued to munch on her sunflower seeds, looking up at her older brother with a "what??" expression.

Everyone in an instant turned to the source of a honking sound behind them, but Kiri's voice broke through the otherwise silent air. "That's Dad," Kiri announced, an air of exhaustion in her voice. Her eyes met her siblings as she zipped up her plastic bag, taking care to neatly place her snack in the pocket of her backpack. "Oh, I'll be texting you Lo'ak!" Tsireya's giggles filled the air, the sound of dimples adding charm to her already adorable smile. Lo'ak returned the smile, his chill demeanor making it clear that he was trying to appear nonchalant in front of her. "Cool," he replied, his tone light and friendly. "See you." Neteyam took a moment to straighten his backpack on his shoulder as he exchanged a few last words with his new friends. "We'll talk to you guys soon, all right?" he asked, turning to Aonung and nodding in agreement. "Yeah nah, of course," Aonung confirmed, nodding his head thoughtfully. Tsireya, who had been quietly observing them, added, "Yes, we'll talk to you soon." Rotxo, his eyes narrowed on the curls in his hair, simply gave a small grunt to acknowledge the statement.

" Rotxo, his eyes narrowed on the curls in his hair, simply gave a small grunt to acknowledge the statement

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