"I love you"

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My One and Only

Taking care of Kaveh after he had a mental breakdown was usually not an easy task, but Alhaitham would do it over and over again if it meant not seeing him in pain. Kaveh had been stressed over a client that had been harassing him over little things, he had come home drained from all the yelling and trying to fix what his client didn't like. Alhaitham had seen him walk into the living room waiting to hear a "did you shift around the furniture again?" Or a "Why did you get another ugly decoration it ruins the look of all the other ones I bought for you" but instead Kaveh had just walked into his room and plopped on the bed with Mehrak on the side.

Alhaitham walked into Kaveh's room knocking on the door, "Did something happen?" He asked. Kaveh didn't have the energy to reply so he just nodded, "do you wanna talk about it?" Alhaitham looked at him. Kaveh just stared but then shook his head as a no, "Ok, i'll make some soup" Alhaitham walked out of the room as Kaveh fell fast asleep.

About an hour later Kaveh awoke to Alhaitham tapping on him, "The soup ready" he said. Kaveh got up and walked to the kitchen with Alhaitham, his eye's lit up when realizing it was the soup his father and mother had always made him when he was sad. "Thank you" he said with a smile, "If you need anything else let me know" Alhaitham sat down along with Kaveh and started eating. Half way done with his bowl of soup he looked up and saw Kaveh crying and wiping his tears with his sleeve, Alhaitham got a tissue box and handed it to Kaveh. "You sure you don't wanna talk about it?" Kaveh again replied with a no. Alhaitham sat beside Kaveh comforting him until he fell alseep with his head on Alhaithams shoulder, he slowly picked Kaveh's head off his shoulder and picked him up bringing him to his room. After he placed Kaveh on the bed he got up but a hand grabbed his wrist, "please stay" Kaveh said. Alhaitham was about to say something but was cut off

"I love you"

"maybe the dishes can wait" Alhaitham thought

"I love you too" he laid his head on the edge of the bed waiting for Kaveh to fall back asleep.

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