V1 - C6 - P3: Combative Trials.

Start from the beginning

In the end, he settled on a seemingly random selection of students to pair up for the session.

Professor Raijiro:
"Ren, Kuro! You two will be facing off against Wu, and Daeho."

Cut to the males changing rooms

In the locker room, the boys dressed in the leather gear, putting on the breastplate, forearm guards, shin guards, and helmet. All of these items emanated a faint blue glow.

As Haneul was in the process of donning the leather helmet, he cast a quick glance at his silent partner Yan Shi, who had already finished putting on the gear in its entirety.

Haneul Yoon(INT):
"Hm, I wonder what Shi thinks about us."
"He's always so quiet, which isn't a bad thing. But I sorta wish he could talk more."
"Maybe in this lesson as my partner, I'll get to know more about him."

He put on the leather helmet.

Haneul Yoon(INT):
"I wonder how the others are doing–"

As Haneul's gaze roamed the locker room, his eyes inadvertently rested on the bare, and muscular ass of Huo Hao, who was struggling to put on his sparring attire and leather breastplate due to his imposing frame and size.

Huo Hao:
"H– hey! I sorta' need help over here!"

Sato Ren:
"Hao! Why would you strip naked when you could've changed in the stalls!?"

Huo Hao:
"They were all full! And I'm not waiting because you all change too slow!"

Sato Ren:
"Tch, damn it, fine! Just wait a second, I'm coming over!"

Haneul stared blankly for a moment.

Sato Ren:
"Stop moving, dumbass! Your butt is too close!"

Then he closed his eyes and massaged them with his fingers, as if wanting to shut out the world and everything around him.

Haneul Yoon(INT):
"I saw—"

Ren managed to get Hao into his sparring attire and leather breastplate.

Sato Ren:
"There, wasn't so hard was it–"

Hao gave Ren a friendly smack on the shoulder in gratitude and proceeded to give him a tight hug.

Huo Hao:
"Thanks man! You're a lifesaver!"

The unexpected gesture, however, made Ren extremely uncomfortable, and he quickly tapped Huo Hao's shoulder to end the hug.

Sato Ren:
"Right right right, you can put me down now."

Huo Hao:
"Oh, right."

Ren dropped and landed on the ground, and brushes his shoulders.

Though the locker room was abuzz with activity and chaos, there was a strange sense of quiet and intensity that emanated from the bench where Hei'an Wu and Mujin Daeho sat. As Wu adjusted the glasses on his face, he gave Mujin a quick side glance, to which Mujin replied with an intense and mutual stare.

Hei'an Wu:

Mujin Daeho:
"Whaddya' mean 'what'? You looked at me first, Carrot Top."

Hei'an Wu(INT):
"Carrot Top!?"

Hei'an Wu:
"I was looking around the room and my gaze happened to land on you."
"And to be honest, I couldn't even classify that face of yours as 'mediocre', it's more like an 'Aughh'..."

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"This isn't even my body, and I still want to kick this brats a##."

Mujin sighed irritably, stood up, and wore the leather chestplate. Wu sighed too and donned the leather forearm guards.

Mujin Daeho:
"Why did I have to be paired up with you? I'd rather of partnered up with Yan Shi, because atleast I wouldn't have an a##hole spouting bullsh## at me."

Hei'an Wu:
"Go ahead, be my guest. Because a brain-dead idiot would still kick half the a## than you'll ever wish to accumulate in fifty trillion years."

Mujin Daeho:
"How about you be the first person in my 'accumulation' that I beat 'half' the life out of?"

Hei'an Wu:
"You, my clown of a teammate, are not even worth the dirt on my shoe."

A vein grew on Mujins forehead.

Mujin Daeho:
"Oh? I see you're very concerned about your shoes."

Mujin's smirk grew as he ground his foot into Wu's shoe and began to rub it, covering the top of Wu's footwear in faint dirt stains.

Mujin Daeho:
"Good luck cleaning off that mess."

Wu and Mujin exchanged condescending smirks, their foreheads showing frustration, and the both grabbing onto each other's collars.

Hei'an Wu:
"You wanna die?–"

Haneul stepped between them to halt their actions, nervously chuckling and rubbing the back of his head.

Haneul Yoon:
"G– g– guys, isn't there better things to do other than t– this?"
"I mean, you both are teammates...
"But since you guys don't like the idea of working together, how about..."
"Say, a little challenge?"

Mujin Daeho & Hei'an Wu(INT):
"What the hell is this brat/idiot on about?"

Haneul Yoon:
"Let's say..."
"Whoever garners the most hits against the opponents, is the better man?"

Mujin and Wu stared blankly at Haneul, then exchanged glances before returning their gaze to Haneul.

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