V1 - C6 - P1: Combative Trials.

Start from the beginning

Sato Ren(INT):
"The moment we went to our dorms, she immediately passed out infront of her room."
"I can't believe we had to carry her to her damn bed!"

Kaimana Kuro:
"Don't worry Ms, I'll make sure to not fall–"

Kaimana's head suddenly and unexpectedly slumped and slammed onto her desk, and she immediately fell into a deep sleep. It was as if she had perished right there, from the lack of a gradual build-up to her falling asleep.

Everyone in the class, except for Mujin, Haneul, Wu, and the Professor, was visibly stunned, some even almost falling off their chairs in surprise. Haeun poked Kaimanas head with a ruler, to which made her groan and slap the ruler away while asleep.

Yan Shi:

Watching, Shi sat silently on his desk with his head rested on his arms. Shi was a slim, average-height young man with messy black hair, pale skin, and bright, tired red eyes, giving off a vibe of quietness.

Hei'an Wu rested his head on his fist as he looked out the window in irritance, letting out an exhale of annoyance. Wu was moderately tall, lean yet muscular young man with curly orange/ginger hair, sharp pale pink eyes, a nearly constant scowl, and ordinary glasses.

Hei'an Wu(INT):
"Tch, why did I get placed in here with these..."

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"Where the hell am I? In a circus?"
"Because all I see are clowns."

Mujin and Hei'an, seated at their desks in separate spots, accidentally lock eyes with each other and commence a mutual inspection. After a moment of scrutiny, both roll their eyes, scoff, and then look away, with condescending smirks etched on their faces.

Mujin Daeho & Hei'an Wu(INT):
"Ginger / Degenerate."

Amidst the chatter, Haneul seemed to be in his own mental world, preoccupied with other thoughts rather than the present.

Haneul Yoon(INT):
"I wonder why Mujin sat outside yesterday night, he seemed abit lonely out there."
"I wondered to myself that maybe I should've went out at the balcony to have a talk with him."
"But, maybe he preferred to think by himself..."

Suddenly, nearly 20 minutes have passed, and the bells rung, announcing lunch break.

Haneul Yoon(INT):
"Oh damn it! I wasn't paying attention! Stupid me!"

Cut to the large bustling hallways of the academy(3 minutes later).

Strolling through the crowded hallway, Mujin, hands deep in his pockets, looked irritated. Although he was bothered that Haneul was walking alongside him, he did not outwardly display his feelings.

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"Tch... why is this kid following me?"
"Can't you hangout with someone else? I shouldn't have talked to this brat when I first arrived here–"

Haneul Yoon:
"Hey, uhh. I'm sorry I haven't told you this yet, but do you prefer being called your surname or first?"

Mujin Daeho:
"U– uhh... my first name?"

Haneul Yoon:
"Daeho... Daeho... do you mind if I call you Daesu?"

Mujin Daeho:
"What the hell are you–"

The realization had hit him, and he came to a stop, placing a hand on his face before letting out a long, weary sigh.

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"I forgot those Asians prefer using last names before their first, or whatever... Sh##."

Haneul Yoon:
"Hey, uh, are you alright?"

Mujin Daeho:
"Yeah, just had a long night."
"Oh, and yeah... you can call me Daesu."
"Or whatever..."

Haneul Yoon:
"Alright! Daesu!"

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"I hate kids..."

Cut to the large dining hall(2 minutes later).

In the large and vibrant dining hall, decorated with traditional East Asian Korean architectural style, students filled every available space, ranging in year levels from 1st to 5th years, gathered on separate, large lap tables. Each enjoyed the food that had been graciously placed before them on their respective platters, some small, some large.

Haneul took a bite of a leg from some flying creature, using chopsticks to scoop up various vegetables covered in a red delicious-looking sauce and eating it. He spoke with a mouthful of food.

Hanuel Yoon:
"Mmm! So good!"

Meanwhile, Mujin sat under the table with a puzzled expression, as he was in unfamiliar territory, not being the most comfortable with this sort of environment.

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"What the hell am I looking at?"

He eyed the Seolmaran cuisines before him, poking at it curiously with one of his chopsticks and letting out a quizzical look.
After taking a big bite of his food and properly swallowing it, Haneul gave his chest a punch before addressing Mujin.

Haneul Yoon:
"Hey, Daesu, you haven't eaten your food yet."
"Is there a problem?"

Mujin paused briefly and planted the chopsticks back down.

Mujin Daeho:
"U- uh..."
"No, I was just about to eat this... food."

Struggling to grasp the mysterious meat covered in some sauce from his plate, Mujin attempted to use the chopsticks several times but found himself unsuccessful. Haneul, who was observing him closely, raised an eyebrow, assuming that Mujin would be able to handle chopsticks since he, too, was a Seolmaran, or so he had thought.

Haneul Yoon:
"Hey, Daesu..."
"Are you even... from here?"

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