"Can I have a goodbye hug?" Sunny asked shyly.

   "Of course!" You smiled.

   "Uh... Could you... come... here?" Sun eyed the outside world nervously from the inside of your doorframe.

   "What's wrong?" You remembered, "Right, the sky is 'weird'." You leaned your bike back against the wall before going to Sunny and wrapping your arms around him.

   "I was built to never leave the Mall. The outside is weird in general..." Sunny confessed with an anxious smile but didn't hesitate to hug you back tightly.

   "We'll have to see if there's anything we can do to fix that when I get back. It's probably not good for your joints to stay cooped up in my place." You smiled and rubbed his back comfortingly. Both Sun and Moon still had to slouch or crouch in your basement suite if they wanted to stand. Sun spent a lot of time on his knees if he was cleaning, and Moon would sit or lay on your floor, often trying to get in the way of you doing anything other than going to bed. Kinda like a cat if you thought about it.

   "Sunny, you can let go now." You try to get away from your 'goodbye' hug. Sunny whined with his ray's drooped sadly but let you go so you could put your helmet on and get your bike.

   "How about this! When I get back, I've got a surprise for both of you!" You hopped on your bike ready to go when you heard Sun whine behind you,

   "Now That's TWO Things I Have To Wait For!!" He cried out as you rode away.

   You rode along the bike-filled streets. Passing delivery Ai at every turn, sending food, online purchases, and all sorts. The great lunch-rush. A perfect time to start your shift at a pub serving food and drink... Great. You locked up your bike and put on your name tag quickly as your manager was already calling you to get started with serving the newcomers. You barely had the time to take a breath to summon your customer service voice before you were standing in front of the largest table in the place, absolutely filled with people.

   You zipped around taking people's orders and delivering food like your job depended on it, which it usually did. Your manager liked you best which only meant that most of the pressure was put on you to keep up your nearly perfect record. As perfect as a human can reasonably be. Your coworkers are convinced that if you fail, they'll all get replaced by service Ai. Which is financially impossible, even for a busy pub like the one you worked for. But the owner has a child-like obsession with Ai robotics so it's not like the fear wasn't completely unreasonable. Just one word from the manager if you were to fail. Even if the decision put the entire place to the ground in debt.

   The lunch rush came and went leaving for the slightly calmer hour between late lunch and early dinner. That's when a familiar face sat at one of your tables.

   "Hey!" The boy at the Part's and Service shop near your home greeted you with a surprised smile, as anyone does when two people run into each other in public.

   "Shift, right?" you were surprised you remembered his name at all.

   "Yeah! Are you working here?" He asked, initiating small talk. As anyone does when two people run into each other in public...

   "Yeah..." You pointed at your tag before awkwardly getting back to your job, "Uh... can I get you any drinks to start?..." Your customer service voice had dropped as meeting a person you know made it feel inappropriate to say your usually scripted lines.

   "Just water is fine..." Shift also felt weird saying his usual scripted lines as a "pub guest". While you both knew each other, you didn't know each other well enough to exactly be "friendly" either, so the both of you went on. You had other tables to tend to anyway, but you couldn't help but get the feeling that he had something else he wanted to say.

   "Hey," Shift spoke up as he went to pay his bill, "Just tell me if I'm being creepy, but would you want to get dinner sometime.... With me." He mustered the courage through his whole lunch and was finally able to ask, and with minimal slip ups and stuttering as well!

   "Compared to some of my regulars, you're not even in the ballpark of creepy." You chuckled.

   "Oh good..." He sighed in relief. You had to give his question some careful consideration however. Buy why? You'd wanted nothing more for the past several months to go on a date with someone, anyone who wasn't just an old pervert. Shift had been sweet to you so far. You didn't know much about him, but that is kinda the point of a first date. Still, something in your heart held you back from jumping at the opportunity. Maybe it was nerves?

   "I'll take a 'maybe'. If that's all I can get for now. You know where to find me! Heh!" He must have noticed your hesitation as you thought.

   "Let me think about it... I've been busy lately..." You admitted.

   "With your new Ai?" He teased.

   "Yeah, heh." You chuckled back.

   "Can I have your number so we can at least call?" He asked politely.

   "Sure, here!" His recite printed off the machine right in time for you to write your phone number on the back of it. He took it and smiled and waved as he left.

   "I'll call tonight!" he added. You watched him leave, and caught a glimpse of him celebrating to himself with the widest smile. It was charming to watch and put a smile on your face.

   "Making friends?~" Your manager snuck up on you with a knowing smirk.

   "No!" You jumped out of your skin.

   "Then what'd you write on his recite? Huuuh!?" Your manager poked as you tried to go back to your job. Just one more hour...

   "Hey could you cover for-" fuck...

Thinking about throwing in the towel and starting over for this book. It's just not going how I originally planned it to.

What do you think?
Should I delete and start over or just leave this and make a new one?

[Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader] Survived The FireWhere stories live. Discover now