'-, dont skip;; !

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(the title isn't just a line, it's "one" in mandarin lmao)

short first chapter, basically an introduction to the characters, extra characters, etc.



kang haerin was a simple girl. she did her homework, she finished every worksheet assigned in class. she picked flowers when she was bored, she drew on digital photos of herself using her phone. she read books from the library, she was polite. but there was just one thing that made her seem abnormal. haerin had anxiety. not the type where she bit her nails and tapped her foot when nervous, more like social anxiety. she was scared to talk to people, but she was a bit more comfortable with her professors since they had taught her all of what she knew. she had no friends, as people would leave her after conversing with her for a few seconds. they either did that, or just straight up ignored her existence. age, 17

then, we have danielle marsh. danielle was about the same as haerin. she turned in assignments, doodled when she was bored. though she could be quite loud at times. she was a big ball of energy and sunshine, but what ruined it was her socially awkward, "other personality". one second, she'd be jumping up and down happily, and then the next second she'd be looking down with droopy eyes because someone had walked up to her and tried to make conversation with her. she didn't know what to say after the other person made a statement, but she usually just nodded or agreed with them if they had said something of the sort. they'd walk away, thinking that she wasn't of interest. that's why danielle had close to no friends. the only two people who believed in her were pham hanni, and kim minji. age, 18

starring: kang haerin, danielle marsh


pham hanni, a close relative of danielles, from the vietnam. she tried to help danielle with her social skills, sometimes teaching the awkward girl phrases when she came over. hanni had supported danielle since when they were kids, as they grew up together, being cousins. danielle was very fond of hanni, as she had been with her through all the ups and downs of her dreadful life. age, 18

kim minji, student council president. a very responsible girl, hanni's best friend. she may or may not have feelings for said girl, but that's another story for another time. minji always went by the motto: "you only live once," and "turn your mistakes into masterpieces." she had the last motto for art class, since she attended it with hanni. the first motto was just something she heard when she was in second grade, and she swore that she'd stick to it.. so, well, as you can see- she kept her promise. oh, yeah, minji keeps her promises. she's very loyal to people she trusts, and gets everything done. that's part of the reason why she was voted student council president. age, 19

lee hyein, hanni and minji's best friend. she may be a year or two younger, but she still acted as mature as her older friends. she was a very pretty girl, confessions flying in from left to right. but she never accepted any, saying that she wanted to focus on her studies and get into a good college or university. she loved singing, having had posted multiple covers of different songs on her tiktok. she had gained popularity over the years, and her supportive friends helped her get through whatever hate was thrown a her. in short, your more-mature-than-average high schooler. age, 16

starring: pham hanni, kim minji, lee hyein


kang taehyun, haerins older brother. a very smart and well-behaved kid, usually chill and polite about almost everything. choi beomgyu's very own best friend. age, 21

kang yeosang, haerins second older brother. a sweet guy, very affectionate and loving to people he knew and didn't know. age, 21

kim seungmin, minjis older brother. semi aggresive behavior, best friends with choi beomgyu. he gave people the cold shoulder on a daily basis. age, 22

choi beomgyu, an acquaintance to kim seungmin and kang taehyun. he was a smiley fella, always jumping around and doing whatever. he stuck by taehyuns side most of the time, had a small crush on the younger. age, 22

lee jeno, hyein's older brother. he already graduated university, currently working as an engineer. very laid back personality, had a boyfriend named na jaemin. age, 24

starring: kang taehyun, kang yeosang, kim seungmin, choi beomgyu, lee jeno

(other characters will be introduced throughout the story<3)

im angela, and youre reading "taciturn" !

(that was supposed to be a disney channel pun, help)

taciturn- daerin !Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora