Part 2

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"W-Wait!!" Fizz spat anxiously, "I-I didn't mean that!!- I mean- I just-"

"Fizz." Asmodeus interrupted, "I want you too."

Fizzarolli became wide-eyed, "R-Really?"

"Yes, really." Ozzie reassured the imp as he caressed his face softly, "And knowing you want me, just makes me want you more. . ."

The demon's then rekindled their steamy kiss, pressing into each other deeply.

As Ozzie caressed the imp's face, he began to slip his fingers underneath his hat subconsciously.

Doing so set off Fizzarolli immediately, "OZ!! WAIT! STOP!!!"

Asmodeus immediately stopped in his tracks and pulled back from the jester, "W-What's wrong??? Did I hurt you???" he asked with sincere worry as he scanned over him a bit to check for any injuries.

"N-No. . . You didn't hurt me, not at all." Fizz spoke lowly as he turned away from the demon shamefully.

". . .then what is it?" Asmodeus asked.

Fizz then clenched his own forearm, nearly breaking the skin, "It's just my. . . M-My horns. . ."

Asmodeus remained quiet and attentive as he had a clear expression of deep sincerity and worry.

Fizzarolli continued, ". . .I lost them. . .in an explosion when I lived at the circus. Ev-Everything happened s-so-so fast. . ." the imp began to cry, ". . .I-I di-d-didn't th-think I'd m-make it out a-aliv-ve. . ." tears now streaming down his face as he still refused to look the burly demon's direction.

Asmodeus felt deeply for the imp. It pained him to see Fizz in so much distress like this. He knew there wasn't much he could do, but he knew he could at least express his honesty.

"Fizz, look at me, please." Oz spoke ever so softly as he gently held the imp's chin to look his way, "It doesn't bother me what your horns look like. Not in the slightest. Because I like you for who you are inside. I don't want perfect, there's no such thing. I want you, Fizzarolli. With all your crooked horns, froggy hops, and burgers for breakfast, hehe."

Fizz let out a small laugh at the last statement as he wiped his tears away, "Do you truly mean that?"

"More than anything in all of hell." Asmodeus spoke as he pressed his forehead to the imp's affectionately, "I don't expect you to show me your horns right now. I want you to once you feel ready to. No matter how long that may take."

"I'm not. . .ready right now. . ." Fizz admitted.

"And that's okay." Asmodeus said, "I won't do that again, unless you say otherwise."

"Thanks, Ozzie. . ." Fizz said sweetly.

The two of them then snuggled up together and just enjoyed each other's presence for about an hour.

As the pair snuggled on the bed together, Fizz rested himself on top of Ozzie, with his head near his heart.

"Sooo, you're shy around me. But you perform and stuff with no issue! How is that???" Fizz asked curiously.

"I guess it's different in a way." Asmodeus explained, "I can perform with no problem, but when it comes to stuff like this, with someone I. . .- It just makes me shy, I guess, heh. . ."

Fizzarolli smiled, "Well, I think it's cute that you're shy around me, hehe.~"

Asmodeus couldn't help but blush, "Stawwwp.~"

Fizz simply stuck out his tongue, "Maaake me.~"

Ozzie then smiled mischievously before using his magic abilities to make himself disappear and then reappear, hovering over the small imp, "Wanna say that again, Fizzy?" he said in a low husky tone.

The imp simply stared up at the burly demon with a smug look, "Make me.~"

Asmodeus then leaned down into Fizz's neck and begun to quickly nuzzle him there while skidding his fingers all up and down the imp's sides.

Fizz let out an adorable squeal at first before pouring into a river of laughter, "Waihihihihihit!!~ Hahahaha!!!! Nohahahat the neheheheck!! " he squirmed about in the large demon's hold helplessly.

After a few minutes, Ozzie stopped and simply laid next to the giggling imp and gazed at him.

"Hehheh. . . No fair, heh. You're like ten times my size." Fizz said while catching his breath.

"You know what else is unfair? Having mechanical limbs.~" Ozzie teased.

Fizz simply cackled, "Touché."

Asmodeus then pulled the small imp closer into a sweet embrace.

"If you don't mind me asking, Oz. . ." Fizzarolli began, "You're immortal, so why wouldn't you want to be with someone who's also immortal? Like another one of the deadly sins?"

"Heh, actually, us deadly sins are all half siblings. Soooo, it'd be pretty weird to hook up with one of 'em." Asmodeus answered.

"Oh! I had no idea you were all related. I guess that's another reason why you and Mammon go at each other's throats then." Fizz said.

"That, on top of many other reasons." Ozzie said, "Anyways, though. You should meet Bee! I'm sure she'd love to get to know you."

Fizz seemed surprised, "Bee? As in Beelzebub? Why would she wanna meet me? I'm just an imp."

"Nooo, you're my imp." Ozzie corrected, "And she's been dyin' for me to get with someone romantically for Satan knows how long now. Plus, it'd give you another friend to have around. But you don't have to if you don't want to."

"Wait. . . I just realized something else." Fizz said with realization, "You're the King of LUST!!!! H-How would this even work???? I don't wanna put your job or your reputation at risk!!" the imp began to worry and panic as he stood up from the bed, "Maybe this isn't such a good idea, Oz. . ."

A small pain then struck in the burly demon's chest. One he had never felt before. Right then, he knew he couldn't let whatever this was go so easily, "Fizzy, look at me." as he gently grasped one of the imp's hands, "You don't need to worry yourself over any of that. I'll take care of it and keep things under control."

Fizz then slowly pulled his hand away, "N-No. . . I won't let you do that. . . I won't let you risk everything just to be with me. I don't want to bring you down. I don't want to ruin your life too. You deserve so much more than a freaky cyborg imp. . ."

Asmodeus was taken aback by Fizzarolli at the moment, "Fizz. . . Please just-"

"I think I'm gonna head on home." Fizz interrupted as he gathered his things, "Tonight was. . .amazing. But. . .we should probably keep things professional from here on. Goodnight, Oz. . ." he then walked out and left.

Ozzie wasn't exactly sure how to feel. He had never experienced something like this with anyone before. He had never felt this way for anyone before.

And before he knew it, tears began trinkling down his feathered cheeks.

Am I. . .crying. . .over an imp? What's happening to me. . . ?

Since Bee and Asmodeus were rather close, she could sense within herself whenever he would be wholeheartedly upset over something. No matter how far apart they would be in distance.

As soon as she sensed the feeling, she immediately headed over to his place and knocked on the door, "Ozzie!? Ozzie, please open up! You're scaring me!" she pleaded.

Asmodeus then opened the door, and it was clear that he had been crying, "I'm fine, Bee. . . You didn't have to-"

The burly demon was cut off by the fox-like demon suddenly embracing him, "It's okay. . ." she mumbled softly.

Ozzie couldn't help but start to cry again as he embraced her back.

- End of part 2

Fizz x Ozzie- Eternity with You Where stories live. Discover now