the end

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Hello, I imagine your surprise to see that this fanfic only has 4 chapters, but they are four huge chapters so they are worth about 10 chapters hehehe.

I made this fanfic and from the beginning I thought "this fanfic will only have a maximum of 5 chapters, I don't want anything long otherwise I'll be lazy to finish writing", and I literally despaired to finish writing and not end up stopping writing at all.

At the beginning of the
fanfic I thought of referencing only the song The Great War but in the end I ended up referencing Billie Eilish's No time to die and even the song "Resgate" which is a Brazilian song.

I also indirectly referenced the song "Mama's boy" because as you can see Baelon and Jaeherys are very Mama's boy and when I thought about his personality I already thought "I'm going to do something good mama's boy because I literally love that song".

I really loved writing this fanfic because I realized that this fanfic I wrote much better than the other fanfic. In the other fanfic I couldn't describe things very well and only did episodes showing what was happening with Y/n. Here I did episodes showing what was happening with three different characters and did a part of a chapter with Baelon's point of view, so that was a tremendous evolution.

That's it, if you've read this far without voting, come back and vote and comment on every chapter, bitch. 😘😘😘

The great war - Y/n Targaryen and Cregan StarkWhere stories live. Discover now