chapter 3

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- Your husband, your nephews and your brother-in-law are all dead. - Aemond says as soon as he enters Daella's room and she widens her eyes and soon lets tears fall.

- That's not true. - She screams and he laughs sadistically.

- I set them all on fire. They are dead in the flames of Vhagar now. - Aemond says and Daella cries to the point of sobbing and then he rolls his eyes. - Look on the bright side, now you can stay with me for the rest of your life without interruptions from those mangy dogs. - He says with a sadistic smile and Daella looks at him with hatred and then grabs the dagger she had hidden under the bed and goes towards him but he manages to pin her down before she can hit him.

- I HATE YOU! - Daella screams before Aemond slaps her face causing her to fall back on the bed.

- You hate me but you're still going to have my son and then you're gonna have many others. Do you know why? 'Cause you're never getting out of here, you bitch. - He screams as he hangs her with both hands and when he sees that she is almost fainting without air he lets her go and then she can breathe again.

  Aemond soon after leaves the room leaving her alone. Daella starts crying with her hand on her belly. She prays to the gods that that child is not Aemond's, but also fears that if the baby is not his Aemond will kill him as he did Roderik. She doesn't know how long she stood there, but she knows she's been in that position for hours and then she hears a very loud and fierce roar, she trembles thinking it's Vhagar but it was a very fierce roar and salvage to be from Vhagar so she thinks it might be from Cannibal, but Arya is dead, no one could tame him, so who will it be?

  Arya wakes up and finds it difficult to breathe until she realizes that there are many men around her, so she pushes them with all her strength until she gets out of the middle of that mountain of men. She then observes everything around her and feels hot tears running down her cheeks.

Her brothers, her father, her uncle... They're all dead.

   She looks around and far away see the Dragons that seem agitated, especially Cannibal who is the wildest one there. She runs up to him even though her leg hurts from being hit by some blade. She runs like her life depends on it. And in fact it depends. When she gets to Cannibal he finally calms down a little but soon he feels her pain and anger and then lets out a roar so loud that the trees nearby are about to collapse, some smaller ones even collapse or burn in the middle.

- Nous allons tuer des gens, chérie. Et aussi un putain de dragon. (We're gonna kill some people, darling. And also a fucking dragon) - Arya says in Valyrian and he bends down for her to climb on it. - Aemond paiera pour la mort de ma famille ou je ne m'appellerai pas Arya Stark. (Aemond will pay for the death of my family or I am not called Arya Stark) - she decrees and Cannibal roars again as if punctuating what she said.

  Cannibal soon begins to fly towards the castle and it seems that he and Arya are feeling the same amount of hatred as he begins to let out angry roars, soon Aemond appears in Vhagar and she looks at him as if only with her gaze she can kill him.

- Oh, cousin, I thought I got rid of you and your brothers. - He speaks with a false tone of sadness.

- Who will get rid of you is i, asshole bastard.  - Arya exclaims with hatred in her voice and Aemond laugh sadistically.

- Oh, you're gonna kill me? - He speaks in a mocking tone and laugh sarcastically. - You don't have the guts. You're a wimp. - he exclaims now seriously in his voice and now it's Arya's turn to laugh.

- If you doubt that I will kill you then fly further forward and wait for imminent death. - She screams with hatred and Aemond gets totally serious and makes mention of doing what she challenged him to do but soon Cannibal roars loudly and flies almost on top of Vhagar and then Aemond realizes that the threat is true but what scares him the most is when he sees Vermithor coming and Y/n on top of him in all her glory.

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