Chapter 24: White Lies

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Self Note

My plans for the whole vacay? Ah!

To read. To read some books!

Yeah, to read these books that rotting at the top of my shelves. So, that I can donate them to some orphanage after I finish reading them.

Wise plan, right? I know.

Sorry for the white lies, Crys. I don’t really have a concrete plan on how to spend my vacation rest. I just want you to spend some time with your boyfriend without me, without Milka—he requested it though.

Hope you had fun, Crys. I hope your man, too. I want to see your happy face when we meet again. I want to hear your dumb stories. So, don’t do anything stupid, okay?

Be careful.

If something bad happens to you. And he is the reason. I will t0rture your man!

: ))

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