"OMG a vespa!" S expresses. "I can't believe it. I love vespas! Oh my gosh you don't understand. I spent one of my favorite summers riding all around Italy on one of these. How did you know? My mom won't let me learn to drive cause she says that's what drivers are for. But really, Dan, this is amazing. Really, come on where are the helmets?" An embarassed Dan looks at her as a drive calls for "Mr. Humphrey." "Is he, is he ours?" "Yeah"

Spotted at the steps of The Palace
Stepping into a pumpkin
Insead of her carriage
Lucky for lonely boy,
There's more than one fable
Filling our inbox

Jenny enters the Waldorf "soiree" mesmorized by the help she sees and the treats all around. She finally meets Blair's eyes and gets overwhelmed with glee.

Across the Upper East side, Dan takes Serena to a very nice reasurant. Yet, she isn't amused. This is what she's used to. Where's the excitement? The fun?

Back at the soiree, B has Little J try on clothes to fit the environment a little better. Jenny gets a little uncomfertable. "Um. I don't know, I mean, I don't really... feel right" Jenny admits. "B what was it Elenor always said..." Charli think, "Oh yeah, 'fashion knows not of comfort, all that matters is-" "The face that you show the world" B chimes in with her. "Yes, exactly. And your face," B turns to Jenny "Looks like it's going to a bat mitzvah. But before we finish the renovation... martini" B hands a martini glass to the young girl. "Oh, no, thanks. I don't like vodka." "Well that's nice becuase that's gin... as it should be" Charli reassures as B hands the glas to Jenny. "It's a party Jenny, either swallow that or swipe your metro card back home. It's up to you" B states. Jenny then hesitantly takes a sip. "Alright, people. Who's ready for a game of truth or dare" Blair asks as she turns to the rest of the party. "Oh I love truth or dare, one time I had to eat an entire bag of marshmallows." "That's nice little Humphrey but, um, that's not how we play" Charlotte tells her. "Well, how do you play" little Humphrey asked. All she got was a smirk.

At the resturant with Dan and Serena, he decided to get an appetizer instead of a main course for his entree. When it was time for the bill, he finds out Serena had taken care of it for him. "I just charged it on my mom's card it's not that big a deal." she admits. "I-I can pay" "Yeah, I'm sure you can, you just shouldn't have to spend it here." "I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" he asks. "No. Look, I wanted a date with you. Just not the date you thought I wanted. It's it's fine." "Alright, alright. If it's a real Dan Humphrey date that you want, it's a real Dan Humphrey date that you're gonna get. Let's go." "Really?" "Yes". With that he takes the hand of a girl with a smile running from ear to ear.

"It wasn't easy getting the entire uniform but... done and done" a minon says someones clothes on. "What's the doorman wearing?" Jenny asks. "Don't you worry about that, Little J" Charli says. "Just drink up. You're lagging behind." B adds. Just then, Jenny's phone goes off with a text message from Eriv. SOS: sitll in prison with a picture of him. "I thought he came home for the weekend" Charlotte asks. "Guess not" Jenny says. "Is, why dohn't you take the girls to Visconti? Meet you there in an hour?" suggests B. "Let's ramp this up shall we? Truth or dare... oh and you already used your truth." "So... dare?" Jenny asks. "I dare you to jailbreak Eric" "Blair" Charli says. "It's perfect. You want in, and he wants out. What's it gonna be? Do or die, Little J."

Spotlight on Little J
Now put to the test by one
Queen Bee
Will J take the bait
And go from Brady to Britney
Or will her goody two-shoes mind-set
Turn into the night's
Biggest buzz kill

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