6- MatPat

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MatPat's POV
Once Steph, Ollie and I finished eating dinner, I did the dishes and was planning to go work on some more video scripts when my phone started ringing.

"Steph, can you finish washing the dishes? I need to take this."

"Yes I can."


I kissed Steph on the top of her head and pulled my phone out. I saw that Amy was calling me and I walked into the other room to take the call.

"Hello? Hey Amy, what's up?"

"Hey Matt, do you have a minute? There's something serious I need to talk to you about."

"I do. Is everything okay Amy?"

"Would you and Steph be willing to take in another child?"

"What? Is everything okay Amy? Are you okay? Is Noah okay?"

"No, we're fine. I brought Noah to New York City to meet their best friends but we found out that their friends are orphans and I had to sign off to foster them in order to let them hang out with Noah this week but I can't take care of them anymore. However, both of the girls are huge Theorist fans. Ash and Tamar have offered to take Nellie in but I thought I'd ask you and Steph to take in Emily because Emily loves the two of you."

"I need to talk to Steph about this Amy. We have Ollie but I don't know how we will be able to manage everything with two kids."

"Well, if it helps, Emily is 18 and she just graduated high school. She is about to age out of the system and she's really good at navigation and doing things by herself."

"Maybe, I'll still have to talk to Steph about it."

"I really hope you guys can. Emily said that you and Steph felt like parent figured to her."

"Aww. Okay, I'll go talk to Steph about it and I'll call you back."

"Alright, thanks Matt."

"Thanks Amy."

I ended the call and walked back to Steph in the kitchen.

"Steph, we need to talk."

"Is everything okay Matthew?"

"Yeah it was just about what Amy called me for. One of Noah's friends needs to be fostered/adopted and she wants us to do that."

"Really? Why?"

"Amy wants us to adopt Noah's friend Emily who is 18 but grew up watching us and Amy said that we meant a lot to her."

"I mean that's really sweet that we mean a lot to her but why does Amy want us to adopt this girl?"

"Because Amy in order to let Noah hang out with her friends had to sign on to foster them but she doesn't know what she's going to do past this week so she wanted us to take in Emily."

"I don't know Matthew. I mean, we already have four channels and we're planning on adding the fifth channel next year and we're already in the middle of selling the company."

"I know but Amy also said that Emily is 18 and close to aging out of the system so I feel like we should give her the family she always wanted, besides we won't have to do much to raise her like we had to with Ollie."

"I mean you do have a point there Matthew. I don't know, Ollie is already a lot."

"Steph, I think we should do this. We have a chance to change a girl's life, I think we should take that. I mean, at least you should be open to meeting her. Amy literally said that we felt like parents to her already so that may be an easier adjustment for the girl."

"Okay. We can foster her Matthew, adoption we will have to see because I don't even know the adult adoption policy for North Carolina."

"Yeah, the adoption process is long but I think fostering her would be a good place to start."

"Okay. I can go call our parents and you can call Amy and then we should probably start talking to Ollie about this, introducing him to the idea of having a big sister."

"Thanks Steph. I'm gonna go call Amy back."

I walked back into the other room and called Amy back.

"Hello? Hey Matt did you make a decision?"

"Yes we're going to take Emily in. Are you going to need us to fly up to New York and come get her?"

"No. Like I said Noah's other friend Nellie is being adopted by Ash and Tamar so I thought it would be better to have us fly to Raleigh and meet you guys there."

"Okay that sounds good. Do you guys have your flight booked yet? Steph and I can pay for it."

"Are you sure Matt? We were thinking about leaving on Friday, so, day after tomorrow."

"I'm sure. It's the least that we could do."

"Okay, thank you Matt. I can send you the flight information."

"Alright thanks Amy."

"Thank you Matt. Bye."

"Bye Amy."

I walked back into the kitchen as Steph put her phone back into her back pocket.

"How did it go Steph?"

"Both of our parents are really excited."

"Okay great. Do you wanna go talk to Ollie about it? I was also thinking we could go tomorrow and get things to turn the guest room into Emily's room."

"Sure that sounds like a plan."

"Alright, lets go talk to Ollie."

Stephanie and I made our way upstairs and to Ollie's room.

"Hey bean, can we talk to you for a minute?"

"Yes daddy."

Steph and I walked into our son's room and closed the door as we walked over to him and sat down on his bed.

"So Ollie, there's something we need to talk to you about." Stephanie started.

"Yes. So Ollie, we wanted to let you know that starting on Friday you are going to have a big sister."

"Really? I get to have a big sister!"

I smiled at my son.

"Yes, we are going to do something called adoption which means that you are going to now have a new sister forever." Steph replied in a sweet voice.

"Yay new sissy!" Ollie responded.

"Is that okay with you Ollie?" I asked.


"Okay, thank you Ollie."

Steph and I left the room and as we walked back through the second story of our house and past what would be our new daughter's bedroom, I was excited for this new chapter and adventure of our lives.

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