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it's been almost 3/4 years now ever since Winnie moved away for university,Augustine had applied in another university too,and he actually just finished it,but sadly it was not Winnie's same university.
Although he had quite some friends,he could never forget about his childhood bestfriend,ever since he left,Augustine has been feeling this weight in his chest,but he couldn't tell exactly what caused,why did it cause it,or how to solve it,welp,guess he'll have that weight on his chest forever till death.
Or will he?
The house where Winnie lived was never sold,it stayed there for those years,even the sign started getting old.
But one day,he got some news,the house had new neighbours,but Augustine didn't even bother to see who those people were,nor he was interested in them,whenever his mother would speak about them,he would walk away.
they could never replace Winnie.

Yet another day,not long after his new new neighbours had moved im,he was walking around the neighbourhood,with hands in his pockets,it was a sunny day,the temperature was perfect for a July evening,it was neither too hot or too cold.
But all of a sudden,Augustine's sight was covered by what seemed to be hands

Augustine:"ack!who's this?!"
???:"hehe~ just guess!!"

that...voice...it couldnt be...

Augustine:"that.....voice...are you...?"
the hands got out of the way,Augustine turned behind and saw...

he was standing right in front of him with his usual smile.
it must have been a dream.

Winnie(?):"Hey Auggie!it's been so long,i missed-" he couldn't even finish the sentence,a sobbing Augustine threw himself into his arms,but he threw himself a bit too much,causing the two to fall on the concrete ground,Augustine now sobbing on his childhood best friend's shoulder as they were embracing eachother.
Winnie:"aww Auggie come on don't cry!i missed you too.." *he looked at him with a smile and gently wiped away with his thumb the tears on his best friend's face

that smile and...the touch of his hands made him feel...warm..but why?he couldn't exactly tell,but he just shook that off,all he cared about now was Winnie.

The two eventually got up and started walking around the neighbourhood together,talking.
Turns out that the neighbours were actually Winnie and his parents,now those were good news.

They spent a few months together,now they were inseparable just as before,Augustine was happy that his best friend was back,and Winnie was happy to be back with Augustine.

cmon eat up guys this is all my brain could brain at 3AM

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