Chapter 5: True Strenght

Start from the beginning

Subaru: Domain Expansion...

As his Barrier-less domain is complete, diverse flowers, shikigamis and creatures start appearing from the ground, some helped Rem, Ram and Emilia to stand up while others started to lash onto the Mabeast, dragging it down in an infinite void of darkness

Subaru: Chimera Shadow Garden

(Best representation i could give with Bing :P)

As it was being dragged down, many divine dogs started bitting on it, making it growl in pain while slowly being sunken into the abyss, being unable to escape from it, goin deeper

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As it was being dragged down, many divine dogs started bitting on it, making it growl in pain while slowly being sunken into the abyss, being unable to escape from it, goin deeper... Deeper... Until... Everything fades away with an Avalanche of slashes, turning the Mabeast into nothingness

Subaru cancels his domain, making the world turn into it's normal colours, everything was... Clear to him like never before! He had a smile on his face, his deep green eyes shone like never before, it was like everything was clearer, he felt his curse energy flowing like his own blood, his breath, the electric currents from his brain, his brainwaves, it all was... Endearing and so astonishing that he barely could talk, only look towards the trio, and smile brightly, as if he was never a gloomy kid before

Subaru: Yo, Lady Emilia! Rem! Ram! You gals are fine?

???: Amaaazing~ Mister Subaru!

Subaru looked over to the voice, seeing Roswall with an... Forced smile on his face, startled open eyes and sweating profusely

Roswall: I sensed a little trouble on my way back and came in a rush to help out... But seems you're already had it covered... By the way, i like the... New tattoos, they look good on you

Subaru was smiling through nearly all of the clown's speech, till he talked about the... "Tattoos", looking over his body, he saw Sukuna's Marks all around him, gulping a little, he noticed some differences, as if... It was trying to become "his" marks, the pattern was less "pointy" and more... Fluid.

Subaru: it's... A family heirloom, that darkness you probably saw was what ... Awakened the marks... Means that i have broken a new barrier and am ready to continue growing stronger

Roswall gulps as Subaru picks up his sword and puts it back on his shadows, as he was going to walk over the Twins and Emilia, he spoke

Subaru: Now, let's go! I need to lea-

He watches over an dumbfounded Emilia, and slightly Embarrassed Ram and an awe-looking Rem

Rem: Mister... Subaru... You... Helped me?

Subaru: Yeah

Rem: why? I-im dispensabl-

Before she could finish, he appears infront of her and flicks her forehead

Subaru: now listen, you cute maid, you're not dispensable, you're very valuable im the Roswall Mansion, your sister needs you to help her on what she can't do, wich, is, basically everything. Lady Emilia needs her best maid to help her, your Patron needs you as his valuable, caring and strong Maid... And i need a partner who i can rely on...

He remembers Yuji in her, he remember Yuji being fine with dying if it was to save more people and that... Tore him apart

Subaru: Rem... You're not someone who needs to... Hide in the shadow of your sister, you need to be your own person... You're Rem, and... You're unique, indispensable

Rem eyes where starting to fill with tears, as she looks to Subaru and suddenly hugs him

Rem: Lord Subaruuu!

Ram: Barusu...

Ram smiles while looking down, Emilia hugs the both and Roswall sighs in relief.

(Timeskip :p)

After a few hours of the Magic Forest incident, Subaru was in his room, he already finished his homework and finally understood a majority of Lugnica's history and language, he now looks into his reflection on the window, seeing Sukuna in his real Body

Sukuna: It seems our souls are merging more and more, thanks to that pesky witch, she wants you alone, and thinks merging us both with help her out

Subaru: ... What?

Sukuna: Oh, you know, the Witch of Envy, the one you've studied about

Subaru: ... How did your domain killed the Mabeast?

Sukuna: ignoring my call, huh? Well, our souls are overlapping, the Domain is the emanation of the Soul into the real world, guess

Subaru: it means...

Sukuna: soon... You'll be able to use my techniques

Subaru: and soon i can use you, as a Shikigami

Sukuna: so, you want to use me, Brat? Like that Cursed Brat?

Subaru: not without a biding vow

Sukuna: Smart, but what if I don't accept?

Subaru: ... Suffer in silence

Sukuna: (Maniacally Laughing) Sure, Brat! Let's see... Who will suffer in silence!

As Sukuna disappears from his reflection, he goes to the bed, falls down on it and... Sleeps, finally


After waking up, he notices a darn cold affecting the place

Subaru: What the?

His body is trembling with cold

Subaru: the heck?!?

He uses his cursed energy to warm himself up, getting on his feet and walking off his room in pajamas. As he does, he watches Rem outside his room, in a cute winter coat

Rem: Good morning, Subaru! Here, warm cocoa!

She handles him a cup with hot cocoa, not warm, and he drinks calmly

Subaru: what happened

Rem: we have no idea, Subaru! But the whole place is freezing!

Subaru: ... I bet it's Puck

Rem: why?

Subaru remembering how he was almost skewered by ice spikes

Subaru: gut feeling

He smirks, patting Rem's head

Subaru: it's... Nice to see, that you're not gloomy anymore... That's actually suits you much well, Rem.

He smiles at her, and as she gets embarrassed, they walk towards Emilia's room and...


(Credits Rolling)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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