The cannibal

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It is late, and it is cold. I am bare with my body, my flesh and soul cut and pierced. There is an ache where my heart should be, and a sadeness flooding my mind. I scream to god, why? Let me be! Must you tear my light that shines within me?  Must you bare me with these teary memories that I cannot hold? My blood oozes more than my tears. You slice me piece by piece, like I am a mere cake. You ravish on my pains, my sufferings as I beg you to stop. Is this what we call love? Getting your slice as I ask for mercy?
It is morning now. My lungs filled with blood that you had devoured. Your cannibalistic mind and greed swallow me whole, and I have no place to think. My body aches, again, and again, and again. My cheeks are stained with my tainted youth, taken from me, from you. I try to ask you, why? Why do you do this? What did I do to deserve it? But all you respond with is It is my love for you, my mind and heart craving for more. But I did not want to be craved, I wanted to be loved. To be held and be special. Not to be used and then discarded like a piece of old paper, holding no value and will.

Maybe more will come I am testing this story out if people like it there might be more. This story was written by my best friend who doesn't think this is good, so I'm trying to prove her that it's really good. So I hope you liked it please give feedback.

The Cannibal Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon