AH desparately hold into the column, but he was so weak... His hand slipped and he slid on the floor towards the black void.

"Nooooo!" shouted Austria while he himself was near to slip into the portal too with his chair and chains, however- he was grabbed from behind. 

"Gotcha!!" grinned Croatia while Slovenia pulled out his penknife, with which they had probably got rid of their chains too.

With a klick sound Slovenia got off him the chains and they bent to the ornate columns then, so they were somewhat shielded from the pull of the portal, though, its power was still radiating on them too.

As the power of the portal increased- their human faces changed, the colour of their flags appeared on their faces again and they looked no more like an avarage human.

"We have to help!" exclaimed Austria as he saw Austria-Hungary weakly holding into the last column, meters away from the portal. 

But they could not move or else- they would have fallen into the portal too, and then probably never come back here and not being able to help AH either.... 

The Monarchy gritted his teeth, his flags wavered and he felt himself tortured from the portal's magic.

'If you dare to cross the portal again- you will collapse and die...' he heard Russian's low voice in his head.

The panic hit him even more and his grip loosened on the column... He could only hold it with now with one hand. He tried to move his wings but just couldn't- the portal was too strong and he was too weak...

He looked up at Austria, who from the upper side of the room, from partly safe place stared at him with teary eyes and despairingly. He was hold there by Slovenia, or he would have jumped away from the shield of the column. 

AH's eyes filled with tears. What the poor country had to wittness, because of him...

 He wanted the best for him and for Hungary... He wanted to become a good father, who could have taught them for love and care. He wanted to at least try... 

But he could never justify the cruel acts of his - but truly just Habsburg's wicked past and show that maybe just maybe... he is not like him...

But what did he want to prove really? That he is just as a unique personae like everybody..?

Though anyway- it was now too late for anything...

Within him now- will die Habsburg and Kingdom too, and he will finally be able to pay the price for their  dark past...

He showed Austria a reassuring smile, and shook his head seeing Austria's aatempt to get away from the safety column.

At least he would know- even if he himself had no more hope to survive- that Austria will be okay and safe. He had been a terrible parent, the worst that the world had ever witnessed, but as his last good intention now- he could save Austria by not letting him any closer...

He lowered his gaze as he frowned from the pain and the pull. The portal just widened and the dark mist had started to engulf him too- his legs and wings-- his vision...

The black void allured his gaze and he had to stare into the black void- which darkness just as neared him - the black mist cleared to him and showed lights, showed distant cities and humans from above, showed the rushing cars and roads, and showed the peaceful sceneries too....

Austria-Hungary {CH}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora