~''Henra's Great Escape''~

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~''I hoped I was allowed to jump out the window. I was bored and didn't have anything to do. Jumping out the window would be a waste.

1: Because I would get hurt

2: That would be reckless

3: My guardians would find me fast.

But, I'm going to do it. I roll down the window of the car and unbuckle my seatbelt. But, my mean old sister looks at me as if I just dealt the worst crime.

She cried out to my 'Mother' and said, "Mom! Henra unbuckled her seatbelt!"

It was time to escape, I opened my door and jumped out. I rolled down into the brush close to the forest.

The car kept going and didn't stop. I thought they were gone until I heard screeching tires and my sister screaming my name.

I ran into the forest and before my eyes was a beautiful white pelt and hazel eyes. It surprised me to see a wild cat in the forest, but I still held my hand out for it.

It naturally sniffed my hand, and the tip of her tail flicked and I was confused. I few seconds later I saw a large tomcat, about the size of a car wheel appearing with a tiny kitten. It looked no more than 12 months old, with great green eyes just like mine. It also had ginger hair,  just like mine. In cat years, it was probably the same age as me. 13 years.

It ventured close to me, and the large tom hissed, "Longpaw! Don't you dare touch that twoleg!"

"B-But it looks just like me Brushweed!"

"Come on, we must report this to Flowerstar!"

"W-Who are you?" I interrupted.

"How do you know what we are saying? How can we understand you?" 

"She's speaking cat, you mouse-brain!"



"Fine, let us ask the twoleg herself! How did you twoleg?"

"First of all, stop calling me 'Twoleg'.  Second, I have known how to speak cat forever."

"Of course." It was Longpaw who spoke. "And I know how to understand twoleg."

"You do?" 

"Yep! Try me!" 

"Why is 'Brushweed' so mean to me?"

"He does it to all twolegs. He has had a bad history with them."


"Come on now." Brushweed interrupted. "Let's see what Flowerstar has to say about this."

After that, we all ran to a clearing deep within a hollow. There, a group of cats yowled, 


ThunderClan and a TwolegOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora