Fate's New Plaything

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3rd POV

                  There were many shouts caused by Reynold Eckhart and Derrick Eckhart, the brothers of Ivonne Eckhart. They were searching for the sister they lost in the crowd. They had been searching for 2 hours but haven't seen a single sign of their younger sister. Away from the activity of the streets, however, was the sobbing form of the child they were looking    

Ivonne POV 

                   "Are you okay?" a girl about the age of Ivonne(8 years old), asked. She was-unusual to say the least. She was dressed like a commoner, with soot and grime on her clothes. Despite all her filthiness she was still quite pretty. Her wavy magenta hair shined in the moonlight, joined with her pale skin, made her look like a goddess. She's really pretty. I shook my head out of that train of thought. 

                   "I'm a bit lost," I admitted.

                   "Well, where are you supposed to be? You're definitely not from here," the mysterious girl noted. 

                   "The Eckhart Estate. Also, If I may ask, what is you name?" I asked. I didn't know if she would understand it if I spoke formally, so I spoke normally. (Not)

                    "My name's Penelope, you can call me Penny though." Now I know this girl is a commoner because I didn't know of any noble who would let a stranger call them by a nickname.

                    "I can take you there, if you want. I know the streets better than almost anyone," Penelope, no Penny offered, snapping me out of my thoughts. After thanking her profusely, Penny and I went on our way to what would, hopefully, be the Eckhart Mansion. She went through many different alleys and paths, that I started thinking she was going to traffic me. Then, out of nowhere, we reached the Eckhart Estate, my home. 

                     "Ivonne!" was all I could process before I was tackled in a hug by my second eldest brother, Reynold. He looked so glad until he saw Penny behind me, shock appearing on what was his calm expression.

                      "Who is that?!"

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