you thought about what you could do. you could either go to the school and try talk itadori out of going in or just stay out of it. you thought about the first option but realised at this point of time, itadori is probably already there.

you were suddenly broke out of your train of thought by a loud knocking on your door,

"y/n! get out of that dark pit you call your home," you heard a feminine voice. you saw maki along with nobara, megumi, toge and panda,

"um hello?" you said, leaning against your door frame,

"oh god, y/n, don't lean against the door frame like that. you look too hot," nobara joked. you rolled your eyes while megumi looked at her weirdly,

"sorry, i can't help looking like this. so, what brings you guys here,"

"surprise training," maki spoke, "we're all bored so we are gonna spar eachother. you wanna come with?"

"do i even have a say in this.." you asked,

"nope, come on!" panda exclaimed, dragging you out of your dorm. you suddenly realised there was no going to get itadori and truthfully, you worried for him.


after further training with everyone, you got back to your dorm exhausted and drained. you looked at your phone to see two missed calls and a message from itadori from 25 minutes ago. you read the message,




itadori where have you gone?
please don't tell me you've gone
to junpei's school
its dangerous itadori please come back
i'm gonna slap you when you return


hi y/n im with shoko rn shes
helping me heal up
it seems you were worried abt me 😈

i was not worried


also wtf do u mesn healing
up? did you get injured?
i told you it would happen

"i was not worried"

i cannot believe you
im omw


you walked quietly to shoko's office to see itadori there with a shit ton of bandages wrapped around his torso, wrist and one on his cheek,

"holy shit, itadori, what the fuck happened?" you asked, rushing over to the chair next to him. he simplly chuckled,

"i'm fine! i just have a few holes in more stomach and a few scratches,"


"don't get agressive on me now!" he smirked. you just sighed once more before taking another look at him,

"tell me everything that happened,"

itadori then explained what was going on and what happened to junpei. he then mentioned it was a curses fault with a "patch face" and said something that seriously shocked you,

"that patch face. i'm gonna kill him," he said it so seriously, full of determination,

"well that's new from you," you raised your eyebrows,

"i know," he groaned, "i don't know why i feel such a need to make him suffer. it's just.. what he did to junpei- not just him- to a lot of people, is just terrible. he fully deserves it,"

you listened to itadori rant about how strange he felt for about an hour, stating that he never felt so much rage inside of him before. you just kept on paying attention to the poor boy and said one last thing to him before you left to get some sleep,

"well i hope this desire will lead patch face's reign to end soon," you smiled,

"i'm sure it will," itadori replied. you then left to go back to your dorm. he said that he would be staying here under shoko's observation for a couple nights because he went through so much blood loss.

in the mean time, you decided you would spend more time with nobara and megumi considering you haven't spent much time with them.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──╮

wordcount: 1212

go itadori

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