Travel day

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Summary: A travel day with Arsenal, where you and Kyra can't seem to sit still. 


Ever since you had joined Arsenal at seventeen, you were deemed the child of the group. All of your teammates were immensely protective over you. Leah was the most protective, she had let you move into her apartment, the captain not wanting you to stay somewhere on your own. At first the overly protectiveness was a bit annoying but once you realised that they all meant it well, you started to enjoy the way the team had taken you in as their family member.

When Kyra had joined the team a year later, you were grateful for another youngling on the team. The girl had quickly gotten the "annoying little sister" status, and it was to no surprise to the team that the two of you got along great right away.

Today was a travelling day for the team, you were heading overseas for a day of training, and a match the day after. You walk into the living room with your suitcase, kit bag, and your backpack, plopping them all down next to where Leah had put hers. "Hey kiddo, got everything packed?" You nod and sit down on the couch. "Socks, pyjamas, and a charger too?" You get up and walk towards her, handing her the checked off packing list. "I packed everything you wrote down for me." She looks over the list, and is pleased with all the check marks she sees on the paper. "Alright then, Lia will be here shortly to pick us up. Oh, before I forget. I made you some sandwiches, you can put them in your backpack."

You take the sandwiches from Leah, "Lee, what am I supposed to do with this many ham sandwiches? It's like a two hour flight max." You laugh at the girl but put them in your backpack anyways. "You can share with Kyra, as I am guessing that the two of you will use up enough energy to need those later."

A couple minutes later, Lia arrives to pick the both of you up. "Hey kid, ready for today?" Lia asks as she gives you a quick hug. "Yeah, I'm excited." With your luggage in the car, Lia drives the three of you to Colney where the team would meet up to head to the airport together.

When you arrive at the airport, and have checked in your baggage and gone through costumes, you arrive at the gate. You drop your backpack to the floor where Leah sits down, and rush off to find Kyra again. When the girl notices you, she dropped her own bag next to Katie, and started running away from you. You sprint after her, chasing her around the gate.

The team watches the two of you run around amused, wincing when you'd nearly miss other airport goers. "Should we stop them?" Katie says to Leah, when you finally manage to catch up to Kyra, and tackle her to the ground. "I say let them tire themselves out, so we have a peaceful flight." She said the last part as a joke, but seeing the amount of energy the two of you had at the moment, it was best to let some of it out now.

They let you run around, and go back to their own conversations. Occasionally someone films the two of you, many of the clips either ending up on their Instagram stories or on their Tiktok's. You had no clue about any of it though, as you were having the time of your life running with Kyra.

You were grateful for the sandwiches that Leah made for you, when your stomach started growling. Grabbing both yours and Kyra's backpack, you head back to her. She was sitting by the window, watching the planes move around in the distance. Like Leah had suggested, you shared the sandwiches with Kyra, getting through quite a few of them until Kyra pulled a ball from her backpack, with a sly smile on her face.

The two of you start kicking the ball back and forth for a bit, before you start to do keep ups together, trying to not let the ball hit the ground. That's when Katie steps in, and grabs the ball from midair, "Where did you even get a ball?" The older woman asks. "From Kyra's backpack." You say in defence, raising your hands up in surrender. Kyra rolls her eyes at how quickly you threw her under the bus, but she would've done the same thing if it would have been Leah that stepped in. Katie takes the ball with her, as she sits back down next to Caitlin. "Kids." She shakes her head, but looks in your direction with a smile.

Once the plane had taken off, it didn't take long for both you and Kyra to fall asleep.

Only to be full of energy again as the both of you woke up when the plane landed. You were bouncing your legs up and down, waiting to be able to get off the plane. There was no time for you to let out your energy now, as you went straight to baggage claim and onto the bus that was waiting to get you to the stadium you would be playing in a couple of days.

However, the moment that you set foot onto the field, you were back to running around on the field with Kyra in tow. Occasionally either one of you would be taken aside to take a picture with some of your teammates, but you always found each other again.

Once Kyra was taken aside by Alessia for a picture, you ran over to Leah. The girl welcomed you with open arms, "Hi kiddo, having fun so far?" You step into her arms, and hug her tight. "Yes, I can't wait to play here." You stay in her arms with your head leaned against her chest.

Kyra walked back up to you with a ball in hand. You look up to Leah, "Yeah, go on. Have fun." And with that you made your way onto the field with Kyra, finishing the game of keep ups that was interrupted in the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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