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Summary: You give Kyra a necklace, so she'll always have a part of you with her when the two of you are apart.


Before Kyra had joined Arsenal you had maybe played against her once or twice, besides that you hadn't really interacted. That all changed when she joined Arsenal. You got to know her as a teammate first. The way she played, the way she interacted with the team, and her passion for the sport that you both love. Then you got to know her as a friend. You truly got to know her then, it was like she came to life once she had found her place within the team. And it didn't take long before the girl had charmed you with her bright smile, her kind eyes, and her witty personality.

It had been a few months now since you had asked Kyra to be your girlfriend. Kyra had gone from being pretty much a stranger, to your person, and you couldn't be happier. The two of you talked about going public with your relationship, neither one of you minded the public knowing but also weren't keen on making it a big deal. Your friends and family knew you were together, and some fans had suspicions, though neither one of you had confirmed your relationship to the outside world yet. You never hide your relationship from the world either, you just didn't care what people thought, as long as you had each other.

So, when you arrived in town to check out a market with a few of your teammates, Kyra reached for your hand instantly and intertwined her fingers with yours. You walk around hand in hand, moving from stand to stand with the rest of the girls.

When you walked past a jewelry stand your eyes instantly fell on a necklace that would be a perfect gift for Kyra, except she was standing right next to you. So, you continued walking to the next stand, and grabbed your phone to quickly send Caitlin a text, since you saw that she had her phone in her hand.

Y/n: Can you please distract Kyra for a moment? I want to buy her something

Caitlin: Say no more, I got you

And sure enough, not even a minute later Caitlin grabbed Kyra's arm, "You've got to come see this." She looks over to you to check if you're coming with. You shake your head, and continue your conversation with Beth. With a squeeze to your hand, Kyra lets go and follows Caitlin.

You quickly turn around and head back to the jewelry stand. The necklace was beautiful, it was a gold necklace with a small golden heart. You knew it would match perfectly with the other jewelry pieces that she often wore. Before Kyra could get back you had purchased the necklace and asked Katie to store it in her bag for the time being. You wanted to give it to her later, privately.

The group of you continued walking around the market until you had seen all the stands. Since it was around lunch time Viv had suggested grabbing a bite to eat at one of the restaurants you had passed earlier.

Your group had settled at a table outside on their terrace, enjoying some more time together, just talking about everything and nothing. You posted a picture of Kyra kissing your cheek to your story. You loved sharing little moments like this. Could fans still easily identify Kyra? Probably, but you didn't care. You were happy, and you wanted to share the moments that made you happy.

When you got back home, you wanted to give Kyra the surprise gift right away. You were never one for being patient with gift giving, you just wanted to see how Kyra liked it. "I got something for you at the market." You tell her as you pull her towards the couch. "But I was there the whole time." You wiggle your eyebrows, "I've got my ways, Cooney-Cross."

After your joke you become more serious. "I wanted to get you something to remind you of me, since the international break is almost over, and we'll be away from each other when we play for our own countries." You hand her the box that you had gotten back from Katie when Kyra went to the bathroom at the restaurant.

"It's so beautiful, thank you so much. Can you help me put it on?" She hands you the necklace and turns her back to you. You place the necklace around her neck and place a few pecks on her neck once the clasp is closed. Like you thought, the necklace perfectly matched the rest of the jewelry that she was wearing. "I actually got something for you with the same reason." She was up and running to get her gift before you could say anything.

She comes back with her hands behind her back. "It's not much compared to what you got me but I hope you'll like it." She hands you a small stuffed animal koala bear wearing a tiny aussie jersey. "It's perfect, baby, I love it so much." You hug the koala to your chest, "I'm gonna sleep with it every night that we're apart."

A few weeks later national team training was in full progress. At first your Lionesses teammates had made fun of you for sleeping with the stuffed animal but when they realized that their teasing didn't faze you, they quickly dropped the act.

You facetimed Kyra as often as you could, which wasn't as much as you wanted to with the time difference and both of your busy schedules. Still even if you got to see her for a quick minute, your day was made.

The Matildas were currently playing their first game after the break. They had flown to their away game against Sweden, meaning you would be able to watch the match from the hotel. A few of the girls had joined you to watch the match on the big screen in the conference hall. You loved watching your girlfriend play, she was amazing on every contact that she had with the ball. It didn't matter if it was while being her teammate at Arsenal, or when she played for her own country, you cheered just as loud when she scored a goal for Australia.

You knew she was going for the goal the moment you saw her eyes dart forward. She had Sam Kerr and Caitlin Foord to either side of the field, they both had defenders surrounding them. With her quick feet, she easily moved around the one defender that was shielding her before shooting the ball over the goalkeeper, just below the cross-bar.

Kyra had the biggest smile on her face as she celebrated with her teammates. Once the embraces from her fellow Aussies were over she pulled out the necklace that was hanging under her jersey, and lifted it up to her lips. She kisses the necklace before putting it back under her jersey. You watch the moment with tears in your eyes. You knew you weren't going to live down the 'softie' comments but you didn't care.

You hung around with your teammates a bit longer, and soon after your phone notified you that Kyra was facetiming you. "Hi baby," You say enthusiastically, "You played so well!" Her smile widens, "You watched the match?" Her teammates' voices were heard in the background of the call. You felt very loved by the fact that the first thing she wanted to do after a win was to call you. "Of course, I wouldn't miss my girl playing." She started getting more excited. "Did you see my goal celebration?"

You smile at her eagerness, "Yes, I loved it very much, Ky." From behind you Leah yells, "It made her cry!" You try to shush her but Kyra had already heard. "Why did it make you cry?" You roll your eyes at Leah for exposing you. "Good tears, baby, it was just really sweet." Kyra seemed to relax after hearing that you were okay. "But hey, you should go celebrate with your team. I love you, Ky. Text me later?" She nods, "I love you too."

Kyra Cooney-Cross One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now