“Is that the reason you're here? To discuss about my ex?”

“No. I came here because I want you to fix things with Eden.” Lionel replied before he sucks in a breath. That was definitely something he wasn't prepared for but had to. Everything was ruined because of him and knew he had to at least set things right.

Julian thought he heard wrong. “Come again?”

“You heard me loud and clear Julian. You and Eden are apart and in a misunderstanding all because of me. I am the problem here and now that issue's being cleared, you should talk to Eden.” Lionel answers and Julian blinks thrice to let it all settle in. Julian had to rest his back against his seat and eye Lionel intently.

“I don't understand? Why should I? I mean you're in the clear advantage here. You publicly apologized to Eden on live tv, admitted all the wrongs and crap you did to her in the past. I would think you did that just to get yourself into her good books but I guessed wrong. But am shocked you're telling me to go to her.” Julian folds his arms. He doesn't believe a word the man opposite him says. It's no secret to him nor Eden that Lionel still wants Eden.

“Shouldn't you also apologize for the foolish crap you said to her over the phone?! Don't you want to win her back and clear out all of the misunderstandings. Am sick in the head for coming here to even talk to you but am doing it. Am doing it because I want Eden to be happy for once. I want her opinions and expressions to be heard. I want her to be happy and choose her own happiness. It's obvious Eden's happiness doesn't lie with me. She hates me and I don't think she'll ever forgive me for hurting her in the past. Not a day goes by that I wish I could turn back time but not even a businessman like me can do that. She still cares about you and you two can save your relationship.” Lionel abruptly got up with a fixed hard expression. It pained him deeply to say all of that. What kind of a man who loves a woman pushes her to be with another man?

“So you better man up and go to her. It seems you're the person she can be happy with. At least I hope you don't end up hurting her like I did. She deserves to experience only happiness and nothing more. She's had enough of me doing all kinds of shit.” Lionel said before storming out of Julian's office leaving Julian nestled into deep thought.

Present Day,

Eden is stunned to see Julian right in front of her. She couldn't believe she would run into him at a store. So many times she has tried contacting him to explain her own side of the story. Julian had been with her through her ups and downs. Those times when she felt so low and useless because of Lionel, Julian always stood by her side. Not once did he see her as anyone unworthy to stand beside her spouse in public.

He was wonderful and kind not just to her but to Mia too. It broke her heart when Julian refused to believe her and she didn't want to loose a good friend like Julian. She wondered what to say but felt Julian's shadow looming over her. He was close to her. She noticed his right hand was behind his back before he brought forth a bouquet of flowers.

“For you.” He extended the bouquet to Eden with a wide polished smile. “How did you know I would be here?” She asked once it got to her that them meeting at a store wasn't a coincidence. “Anne told me.” Julian replied and Eden hummed. Her eyes stared at the bouquet and she wondered whether to accept. She didn't want to get any candles burning just yet and had to come out.

“Julian actu.....”

The next thing she knew, Julian held her shoulders and kissed her on the lips. Eden's eyes flew wide open and was frozen for a few seconds before she pulled away instantly. “Am very sorry Eden. Am very sorry for how I acted back then.” Julian said with a little panting before he touched her forehead with his. He shut his eyes as he couldn't look her in the eyes anymore. Guilt overwhelmed him and all he felt like doing was to apologize over and over again. He didn't want to loose her and somewhere his heart squeezed knowing it wouldn't be simple as before to win her over. He at least had to try. All he wanted was to forget about everything as Lionel said. To forget all the misunderstandings and turbulence in their lives.

“I want us to start all over Eden. A brand new fresh start for the both of us.” Their foreheads glued to one another before Julian slowly opened his eyes. He noticed that Eden didn't accept the bouquet which made his body shake a bit.

“What do you exactly mean by a brand new fresh start?” Eden asked not getting his point. She was glad that they could get the chance to talk and sort things out but after that kiss, Eden didn't want any illusions to ruin this friendship anymore.

“You, me and Mia. We three can start all over and become a family. This time I promise that no one would come in between us. Not Lionel, Paula, Monique or any other person. This time our relationship will be based on trust and love. Please accept my apology my love.” Julian extends the bouquet once again. Eden sighs but doesn't say a word. “I know I humiliated your character and felt betrayed after watching that video but I was wrong. I should have trusted you and believed you Eden but I didn't. I....am so ashamed of who I've become right now. I... I-I wasn't like this. I don't know....”

“We should break up Julian.” The words flew right out of her mouth instantly without any second thought. Silence fell and the air thickened as the time passed by. A hard realization that hit Eden right now made her take this step. Julian's hand loosened around the bouquet and it fell to the floor with parts of the rose petals bursting around.

“W-what? You're... you're joking. Am sorry Eden. I didn't mean to.... No. You...you can't. You can't just end what we have Eden....”

“We had and only have one strong relationship Julian and that's friendship. This...this is all my fault and...am sorry.” Eden bit her lip and tried to stay strong. Julian on the other hand looked defeated. “No Eden please.” He grabbed both her hands into his and continued pleading for a chance. His actions gathered attention from shoppers at the store. Julian's eyes welled up and tears surrounded his eyeballs. Eden felt her heart prick badly at the guilt. Now she wondered why she went on ahead with Anne's idea to date Julian in the first place. Everything was all super messed up and wrong. She wanted to start afresh as well but not without the loose ends lying around.

“Forgive me Julian if you can. This is all my fault. I was the one who pushed you into this fake relationship. I...was only thinking of myself. I only wanted to find happiness and love after Lionel and in the process I ended up only using you. It's just like you said, you aren't like this. You aren't evil. Don't you see that it's me. Am the cause of you changing and turning into someone you're not. Am the one who's led you onto this false relationship and I can't anymore. It's not fair to you Julian, am so sorry.” Eden can't help but also hiccup and shed out a few tears.

Life was much more beautiful with Julian as her friend rather than a possessive boyfriend. Julian wasn't the type to possess anything nor become inhumane and inconsiderate. He was changing and Eden knew she was partly to blame by showing him false dreams and hopes. Now all she wanted was her old and loving best friend back. For the old Julian to return and stand by her side as her loyal and trustworthy friend.

“Am so sorry I used you. My intentions were never to become like Paula but I ended up becoming just like her. I used you the same way she did. My heart aches whenever I think about it. How much I tried to love you Julian, believe me I tried to see you differently. I tried to love you but I....I just couldn't. My heart couldn't open up to accept you. Please forgive me Julian I made a terrible mistake.” By now Eden had also broken into tears while Julian shut his eyes tightly. Her words were hurting him like a dagger straight to his heart. He did like her from the very beginning but never wanted things to look awkward between them until Eden made the first move.

“Eden please don't do this....” Julian tightened his hold around Eden's hands with tears streaming down his face. The pain he felt was much deeper and painful than the time Paula left him. The pain was like a knife carving his heart to bloody shreds.

Eden bit her lower lip hard while sucking in her tears. The last thing she ever wanted was to hurt Julian this much but as they say a bitter truth is much better than a sweet lie.

Heartbreaks are always the worst, I should know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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