Chapter 6 Welcome to the hell!

Depuis le début

At night, I'm alone with Grace in my room. The moment I've been waiting for has arrived.

After closing the door, I take a step towards her. "Welcome to the hell, Mrs temporary Grey."

"Hell? Seriously?" She scoffs at my words, causing me to frown.

I march towards her and clutch her arms, digging my nails into her skin and killing her with my eyes filled with rage. "You think I married you for my father's sake? No, I married you to make these three months of your life miserable. So you must be afraid of me."

She pushes me away with full force. "I'm not frightened of anything, Mr Steve. Just wait and watch how I'll make your life hell."

I can see the fire in her brown eyes, her determination to challenge me, but I won't back down. I'll win this battle of wills and come out on top.

I step closer to her again, this time speaking in a low, menacing tone. "You underestimate me, Grace. You don't know what I'm capable of." I can feel my anger boiling over as I recall all the manipulation and deceit she used to bring us to this point.

She smirks, a hint of challenge in her expression. "And you underestimate me, Mr Grey. You'll soon realize that I'm not as easy to control as you think."

In a swift move, I reach out and grip her chin, forcing her to meet my intense gaze. "We'll see about that. I'm not afraid to play dirty, and I do not worry about using your own game against you."

She doesn't break eye contact, her defiance still burning strong. "I'm not afraid of you, Mr Grey." She jerks my hand.

I stare at her with a dangerous glint in my eyes. "Let the game begin, and we'll see who breaks first."

She smirks, her confidence unshaken. "Bring it on, Steve. I'm not backing down."

I storm to the bathroom and slam the door after last time glaring at her.

As I return to the room after getting fresh and changing myself into t-shirts and joggers, I find Grace taking out her clothes from the luggage.

I completely ignore her and go to the balcony to get some fresh air because I'm tired and not in the mood to fight with her more.

When she goes to the bathroom to get changed, I return to the room and lie down on the bed to get some sleep. The events of the day replay in my mind, and I find it hard to believe that I've married the woman I despise the most.

As I sense her emerging from the washroom, I open my eyes and observe her attire – a black crop top paired with shorts.

When she is about to settle onto the bed, I remind her of our agreement, stating, "Have you forgotten your own rules? We can't share the same bed."

"Here, we only have one bed, Steve. I'll place pillows in the middle, and we can sleep separately," she suggests, and I shake my head.

"No way. I can't allow you to break the terms of our contract." As I deny her to sleep on my bed, she frowns at me.

"If you have a problem, you sleep on the couch." She snaps at me.

"This is my bed, and I'll sleep here. You can take any corner of the room. I don't care," I declare, lying diagonally on the bed, occupying the entire space, making her frown deepen even more.

"I'm warning you, Steve. Get aside and let me sleep. I'm exhausted." She warns, pointing her finger at me.

"Or else what will you do?" I challenge, unfazed by her warning.

She states in a firm tone, "Now don't blame me."

She rushes to the bathroom and returns with the bucket of water. Before I can intervene, she splashes the water on me, drenching both me and the bed.

"Are you a fucking idiot?" I growl, jumping out of the bed, and she stands, folding her arms across her chest, her lips curved up into a smug smile.

"I warned you, Mr Grey."

"Now you'll see me." I take her arm in a forceful grip and drag her to the balcony, boiling in anger.

"Let me go!" She struggles against my firm grip but remains trapped.

"Enjoy the first night of our marriage, wifey." I forcefully hurl her to the cold balcony floor.

Before she can rise and stop me, I rush out and slam the glass door in fury. She stands up and runs to the door, and I stare at her with an evil smile on my face.

She pounds on the glass door and hurls a string of curses my way, but it's all muffled by the soundproof doors.

"It's just the beginning, Grace. You've unleashed my worst side, and now you have to face it." I murmur to myself before closing the curtains, hiding her from my view.

My anger and frustration are simmering, but there's something else too. A satisfaction because I've finally asserted control over this situation, even if it was through rather unconventional means.

I watch her through the semi-transparent curtain, and her face contorts with frustration as she realises that I've locked her out on the balcony. It's my first small victory in this battle we've begun.

After taking off my wet vest and joggers, I lie on the couch only in my boxers to sleep. As I pull the comforter over myself, I wonder how we reached this point.

This isn't who I am, treating a woman like this. Am I doing the right thing?

Yes, I'm doing the right thing. This manipulative and arrogant girl deserves this harsh treatment.

I can't deny that there's a part of me that still feels drawn to her, despite everything. But I can't let those feelings make me a fool again.

 But I can't let those feelings make me a fool again

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Contract Marriage: I've always loved you ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant