'If you two at the back are done discussing your social lives, we will start.' Some people snigger at us out of habit but soon the class is quietly chatting to themselves as we follow the instructions in out math's books as Mr. Harris sat on his laptop. Me and Tara have a suspicious that the fifty-year-old walrus-resembling math's teacher is a Tumblr blogger. You never know, do you?

I open my math's book, but before I could even start question 1, my attention is directed as Myra turns in her seat to glare at me.

'You need to watch your back, you attention seeking whore.' She hisses and I roll my eyes.

'Piss off Myra. I'll take your threats seriously when you learn to keep your legs closed, especially in the P.E storeroom.' I look up and see her eyes blazing with the look that says she's going to tear me into pieces.

'Say that again, bitch!' She hisses. 'God I feel bad for those losers who adopted you. Having to live with you all the time, maybe that's why that freak of a dad of yours is in a suicide cult band. You're all just a bunch of freaks.'

At that I climb out of my chair in a second, the sound of chairs scraping back against the floor echoes, Myra copying me as we stare straight at each other.

'What is going on back there?' Mr. Harris looks up from his laptop to see Myra standing half a head taller than me, despite I am standing up also. Myra smirks at me before turning on the water works, which are just as fake as her extra long extensions.

'Mitch was s-saying horrible things to me for no reason!' Myra sobs and two of her friends run to her side to console her whilst I just stare wide-eyed from behind my glasses.

'You've got to be kidding me!' I say and this is the wrong thing to do in my defense as Mr. Harris sighs and pulls open his desk draw.

'Mitch Baker, or Way, whatever your name is these days, take this to room one-five-seven. Thank you.' He waves the detention slip as I sigh and pack my things away, Myra still sobbing (conveniently not hard enough to smudge her mascara) as I take the slip from Mr. Harris and leave the classroom, contemplating just how stupid the whole situation is. I'm not even half way down the corridor when I hear Mr. Harris shout 'Out! Out! Out!' And the classroom door bursts open and Tara comes grinning out, a detention slip of her own in her hand.

'What did you do?' I ask as she comes running up, zipping her Asking Alexandria hoodie up as she walks.

'Myra decided to try and be smart with me so I told her the smartest thing that's ever come out of her mouth is a dick. She didn't take it too well, tried to kill me there and then.' Tara says with a grin and we walk down the stairs to room 157 to find the room empty, aside from a sheet of paper with a list of student's names who had attended detention. They must have moved rooms.

'Just put our names down and lets leg it. Maybe we can find the 11th graders at McTubby's?' Tara laughs and I roll my eyes so much I'm surprised they're still in their sockets. 'Hey, if you promise to let them visit your folks then maybe they'll pay for our food.' She says as she skips in front of me as we head down the font steps.

'Why are the only things that cross your mind wither food or covered in war paint?' I ask and she just smiles devilishly. 'Ok stupid question.'

'Where are you going?' Tara asks as I head towards the main road.

'What? If I walk home now I'll be home on time, school's nearly over but I ain't waiting for Myra to come out and kill me.'

'Fair enough. Will I see you reblogging on Tumblr tonight?'

'You're telling me you spend nights not drooling over your BVB dedicated dashboard?' I sass and Tara sends me a two-finger salute before heading down the opposite side of the road towards her own house. I plug my headphones into my ears, listening to Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy as I walk, making my way through the streets and the rest of Infinity on High. After about half an album of walking, I look at my watch and see it's gone the usual school home time. And to confirm it, I see the yellow school bus turn the corner and briefly stop at the point where I normally climb off. I pick up the pace and walk down the next street, crossing the road and heading through the gate and up the drive, noticing the car is gone, but the door is unlocked.

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