In addition, the White Star was not even here yet.

At this added announcement, a new complication filled the hearts of the TBOAH!World audience with dread. They looked around, trying to figure out who on the screen was not among the TCF!World guests – whoever was missing was obviously the ones they had lost during this battle – however everyone being shown on the Palantír was also accounted for among the TCF!World people. The guests from the TBOAH!World gulped and stared at Cale before returning their gazes to the Palantír.
"In such a situation... they couldn't have... I mean... that should be impossible, right?" TBOAH!Harol choked and began to tremble beside TBOAH!Toonka who was oddly quiet after witnessing the calamity that was Cale Henituse as he toyed around with Arm.

The mage made eye contact with Eruhaben at that moment. The mage started to smile as he asked.
"What is it? Are human mages not allowed to use magic at the level of Dragons? You Dragons really are arrogant."
The smile quickly disappeared from the mages face and his mana started to gather. The bombs in the Cats' hands started to rumble as if they were responding to the mana.

"Tsk... what a cocky little bastard!" TBOAH!Eruhaben frowned in disapproval. TCF!Eruhaben sighed softly, knowing that his counterpart would probably want to whine and demand an explanation for why TCF!Eruhaben hadn't beaten this silly little mage until dust flew for his arrogance. TCF!Eruhaben muttered something about being too old to explain something so troublesome to his counterpart under his breath and then returned his gaze to the Palantír as the record went on.

"Yes. What is it you wish to say?" The Chief motioned with his chin as if he was saying hurry up and speak.
He could hear Cale's voice. "Shut your dirty trap. You're too loud."
Silence suddenly filled the area. Cale didn't care as he continued to lean on one foot and frown.
"Trash? Dirty? I may be trash—

"Oh dear... it looks like my dear dongsaeng needs to have another nice chat with everyone about this attitude of yours again..."
"Come now, Hyung... you know this is the past. There's nothing I can do about what I thought or said back then... I'm sure our gracious and glorious brilliantly blinding sun of our beautiful Roan Empire will be condoning."
"Doesn't that tongue of yours ever get tired?" TCF!Alberu grumbled and then shook his head and glanced toward TCF!Choi Han, who shrugged, as if to say that TCF!Alberu was on his own because he started it with Cale. Naur started the line again – forcing everyone to return their attention to the record.

"Trash? Dirty? I may be trash, but even I don't say things like that to children. You're the real trash. Are you out of your mind?"
On and Hong blankly looked up at Cale.
"He's right. Our human is very right." They could also hear Raon quietly mumbling.

TCF!Ohn and TCF!Hong purred and climbed over TCF!Alberu's lap to get closer to Cale while TBOAH!Ohn and TBOAH!Hong continued to sit in Kim Rok Soo's lap trembling lightly and studying everything on the Palantír – they were having a really difficult and stressful time after seeing the Cat Tribe Chief's face – it brought back terrible memories for both Kittens. However a moment later, Cale's hand soothingly settled upon them and he began to pet them.
"It's alright, you don't have to watch, if you're not ready to watch!" Cale assured them, and Kim Rok Soo slowly coiled his arms around the pair, offering them sanctuary and wordlessly reassuring them that they were safe here.

Lord Sherritt was looking at Cale with an odd expression. Cale was just annoyed while the others were moving to deal with the magic bombs.
"Hahahaha." Sherritt started to laugh.
She could see the corners of her child's lips twitching as he looked at Cale. That made her think of an old memory.

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