16. exposed but accepted

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16. exposed but accepted

Nandhini continued to stroke his hair gently, offering a sense of assurance. As they held each other, Shubman's mind lingered on the uncertain future of his cricketing career. "I just hope I can recover in time for that match," he confessed, a hint of worry in his voice. Nandhini lifted his face, looking into his eyes with unwavering determination. 

 "You're strong, Shubman. And I have no doubt that you'll bounce back even stronger. The India-Pakistan match will just be the beginning of your triumphant return," she reassured him, her words carrying a conviction that sparked a renewed sense of hope in Shubman's eyes.Their intimate moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

It creaked open, revealing Virat and Ishan standing outside, expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. "Everything okay in here?" Virat inquired, glancing between the duo.Shubman nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. 

"Yeah, just needed a moment." Virat and Ishan exchanged knowing looks, understanding the emotional rollercoaster Shubman was on."Alright, we won't disturb you any further," Ishan said, closing the door with a knowing smile. 

Nandhini gently pulled away from the embrace, still holding Shubman before wiping his tears with her thumb. "You've got a lot of people rooting for you, Shubman – your teammates, your friends, your family, and the whole country. We'll navigate through this together, and before you know it, you'll be back on the field, doing what you love." 

 Shubman nodded appreciatively, a mixture of gratitude and love reflected in his eyes. "I'm lucky to have you by my side, Nandhini." 

He then looked at her. "So you're not rooting for me?" he asks in a teasing manner making her roll her eyes before smiling. "I thought I came under the friend's category," she answered making him snicker. "I consider you family babe," he answered making her smile before moving a strand of hair from his forehead.

 They spent the next hours talking, laughing, and occasionally stealing glances that spoke volumes about their unspoken connection. As nightfall covered the hospital room in shadows, Nandhini convinced Shubman to rest, promising to be there when he woke up. 

At about 7 in the morning, Shahneel gently pushed the door open. She entered with a quiet demeanor, her eyes scanning the room until they rested on Shubman, peacefully asleep in the bed. 

A tender smile danced on her lips as she noticed Nandhini, also in a peaceful slumber, sitting on the chair beside Shubman's bed, her head nestled on the edge of the mattress. 

 Shahneel's gaze shifted to their intertwined hands, a silent testament to the connection they shared. Careful not to disturb the serenity of the moment, Shahneel approached them with soft steps, her eyes reflecting a mix of joy and protective affection. 

 As she stood beside them, she couldn't help but marvel at the way Nandhini had been a pillar of strength for her brother during this challenging time. Shahneel reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from Nandhini's face, a gesture that spoke volumes  

 Nandhini stirred, slowly waking up and blinking her eyes open.  Shahneel offered her a warm smile, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they were forming.Nandhini, realizing Shahneel's presence, sat up straight, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry if I overstayed. Shubman needed someone, and I just..."Shahneel placed a comforting hand on Nandhini's shoulder, interrupting her with a reassuring smile. 

"No need to apologize. I can see that you care deeply for him. And honestly, it warms my heart to know that he has someone like you by his side." 

 Nandhini returned the smile, feeling a sense of acceptance from Shubman's sister.  Shahneel then turned her attention to her brother, studying his peaceful expression as he slept. 

"He's been through a lot, and having you here has made a world of difference. Thank you, Nandhini." 

The gratitude in Shahneel's voice resonated with Nandhini, and she nodded appreciatively. "I care about him a lot, Shahneel. I want to see him back on his feet and doing what he loves."Shahneel chuckled softly. 

"You're not just a girlfriend; you're his best friend and a source of strength for him. I can see that. And I'm grateful for that." 

Nandhini's eyes widened in shock as the realization dawned on her that Shahneel was not only aware of her connection with Shubman but also seemed to understand the depth of their relationship.

 A moment of unease settled in the room, and Nandhini felt a rush of nervous energy coursing through her.Shahneel, sensing Nandhini's surprise, offered a gentle smile, her eyes conveying a warmth that eased the tension in the air. 

"You know?" Nandhini asked slightly embarrassed. "Don't worry, Nandhini. I can see that your feelings for Shubman go beyond the ordinary. And honestly, it's a relief to see him surrounded by someone who genuinely cares." 

 Nandhini, still processing managed a hesitant smile. "I didn't mean to keep it a secret; it just never felt like the right time to discuss it."Shahneel chuckled softly, "Secrets have a way of revealing themselves, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. I'm not upset, and I can see that Shubman is in good hands. He needs someone like you right now." 

 Feeling a mix of emotions, Nandhini nodded appreciatively.  "Thank you, Shahneel. I care deeply for Shubman, and I want to be there for him in every possible way."Shahneel's expression softened as she placed a reassuring hand on Nandhini's shoulder. 

"I can see that, and I'm grateful for it. Shubman is lucky to have you by his side. Just take care of each other, and we'll get through this together."The atmosphere in the room lightened as the initial tension dissolved. Shahneel's understanding and acceptance created a bond of trust between them, and Nandhini felt a sense of relief knowing that Shubman's sister supported their relationship. 

 It became evident that both shared a common goal – Shubman's well-being and recovery. 

During their conversation, Shubman stirred, slowly waking up from his peaceful slumber. His eyes, adjusting to the dim light, met with Nandhini's and Shahneel's gazes. A smile made its way across his face as he saw the two women who held special places in his heart bonding over shared experiences. 

 "Hey, you two. What's going on?" Shubman's voice, though still a bit weak, held a sense of curiosity. 

 Nandhini exchanged a glance with Shahneel before responding, "Just a little bonding. How are you feeling?"Shubman grinned, feeling a sense of warmth from the connections surrounding him. 

"Better, especially with both of you here."Shahneel ruffled Shubman's hair playfully. "Well, you better get used to it. We're a team now, and we're all in this together." 

 As they continued to chat, the room was filled with a renewed sense of hope and solidarity. Shubman, with his sister and girlfriend by his side, faced the challenges of recovery with a strengthened spirit.

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