Esteban : then what are we waiting for let's go

With that the son of the sun started running towards the city of sûndagatt followed by Zia when they got to there destination Esteban realized he didn't know what door the last princess of Mue was talking about

Esteban: Zia do you know what door the princess was talking about

Zia : no it's your fault that you ran away like that now we have to wait for the princess to come

? : the door is at the throne room

Esteban: princess Rana-Ori thank god for your quick arrival

Zia: we thought we were going to wait for so long

Rana-Ori : you should act quickly if night falls in Pattala you will not be able to go there

Esteban : and why is that ?

Rana-Ori :because the sun has to be up at the place you want to go otherwise you will have to wait another day to be able to go there

Zia: then let's go now before night falls

The two chosen ones stepped to pass the door thinking of Pattala and there loyal friend Tao
After half a second they opened there eyes to see that they're standing in front of the memory temple Esteban was thrilled so was Zia both were so happy to see there friend Tao and Mendoza who they consider a second father Zia was most excited to see Laguerra who she considered as a mother


Zia: ( giggling) yes we are in Pattala we will be able to see Tao Mendoza Laguerra and Pechu again I miss them so much

Esteban: me to I miss them and I am happy that the Village isn't very far

Zia: then let's go there

Esteban : ( mockingly ) we might see Tao and Indali kissing

Zia : Esteban

Esteban: ok ok

After fifteen minutes Esteban and Zia found themselves in front of the village

Esteban: finally


I am poring my energy in reading I've been reading for the past eight hours Mendoza tried to take my eyes out of my book more than once but I didn't listen now my back hurt's I wish I listened to him

Pechu: Tao break rest

Mendoza: Tao for the last time stop and take a break

Laguerra : you know Tao Mendoza is not wrong take a break it'll do you good

Indali: yes Tao take a break

Tao: ok ... fine I will take a break but what time is it ?

Laguerra : 4:23 PM

Tao: already I didn't even eat lunch

Indali : we called you to eat three times and every time you said that you were coming

Tao : oh I didn't feel the time go by

Mendoza: that is what you say every day

Tao : you know I miss them

Mendoza: miss who ?

Tao:Esteban and Zia

Mendoza: I miss them to it's been thirty five days since they left for the parallel world

Indali: why don't you go eat before it gets too dark

Tao : yes

Meanwhile with Esteban and Zia

Zia : where do you think we will find Tao

Esteban: there ( pointing to Tao)

Zia : look he is with Indali Mendoza and Laguerra

Esteban : good now what's left is to surprise them

Zia : but how

Esteban: scare them from behind a bush

Zia: this one should do the trick

The two elected officials hide behind the bush and waited for there friend to get closer when Tao was close enough they came shouting hello

Tao : aaaaahhh (surprised) Esteban Zia

Esteban and Zia: TAO

And the three of them hugged after there long huge Esteban went to the arms of Mendoza while Zia went to the arms of Laguerra

Laguerra : nice to see you both again

Mendoza : we all missed you so much

Esteban: we missed you to

Zia : yes very much

Then Zia went to huge Indali who was not far

Indali : I missed you so much

Zia : me to

Mendoza: so what brings you back here

Esteban: it's about the cities of gold

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