The reunion

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I will continue my story in English because google translate is such a liar it never translate my story the way I want

The parallel world

Blue sage: kids Rana-Ori wants to talk to you

Zia: did something happen ?

Blue sage : you will know in a few seconds

Esteban: (whispering to Zia) I hope it's nothing serious

Zia : me to

The two elected officials followed the sage until they came across a large room with many chairs

Rana-Ori : kids I have very important news to share with you why don't you have a seat

After the two kids sat on there seats Rana-Ori started to speak

Raja-Ori : kids you know that the cities of gold we're build by the people of Mue

Esteban: yes Tao told us

Raja-Ori : and you know that the people of Mue were killed

Zia and Esteban: were what....?

Green sage : they were killed by a man thirsty for gold

Pink sage : we don't know anything about this man or who he is

Purple sage: but what we know is that some of the people of Mue have survived

Esteban: the people of Mue survived ??

Red sage: some of them

Zia: so you want us to find the last people of Mue

Raja-Ori : not quite

Esteban:so what is the point in telling us

Raja-Ori : to inform you that they build not one or two but four new cities

Esteban: that's amazing

Raja-Ori :your mission it to find the cities gather its treasures and save the people of Mue

Zia and Esteban: you can count on us

Zia : can we warn our friends before starting our new journey

Raja-Ori : of course you will need there help

Esteban : but how will we be able to go to Zimbabwe ?

Yellow sage: Zimbabwe?

Zia : yes they are in Zimbabwe

Esteban: they told us that they will go to Pattala but I don't think they are there yet we came here five days ago

Green sage : you know that the time here is different than the time in your world

Zia : how is that?

Blue sage: the day here is a week there

Esteban: what so we were absent for .................. thirty five days !

Zia : if that is the case then they're already in Pattala

Esteban: Pattala or Zimbabwe how are we going to go there ?

Raja-Ori : there's a door in the city of sûndagatt it takes you to the place you think of

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