Chapter 4- Melodies of Mystery: Unveiling the Past

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Amelia had always been vehemently against the idea of polygamy, especially after her recent breakup with Mark. She remembered how furious she had been when she caught him kissing another woman. Mark had tried to rationalize it by talking about polygamy, and she had despised the concept even more.
"Now, it's like I'm living in my worst nightmare," she mused, shaking her head at the absurdity of it all. "Three husbands? Seriously?"
Her thoughts were interrupted as the three men reentered the room, their expressions a mix of concern and uncertainty. They hovered around her, making her feel like an exhibit in a strange experiment.

Amelia decided to ask, her voice tinged with humor despite the awkwardness of the situation. "So, let me get this straight. You guys are my husbands, and I've apparently forgotten everything about you. Right? "
"We think that you have amnesia that's why you do not remember us but don't worry ava,We're here to help you remember.", Nathan said, his voice filled with deep concern.

Amelia let out an exasperated sigh."Well, you three are claiming that you're my husband, So why don't you all introduce yourselves properly first?"

Nathan, who exuded a comforting aura, smiled warmly. "I'm Nathan, and I'm your first husband." We are married for 2 years.

Sebastian, added with a touch of elegance, "I'm Sebastian." And we married last year.

Lastly, the strong and imposing man, Alexander, spoke with a hint of disappointment in his eyes, "I'm Alexander. You married me and Sebastian both last year, Ava, which you obviously don't remember."

Amelia blinked as she processed this information. "Nathan, Sebastian, and Alexander," she repeated slowly, as if trying to engrave their names into her memory. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all... again, I guess."

The three men exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of hope and concern. Nathan finally spoke, his voice filled with sincerity, "Ava, we'll do everything we can to help you remember. We love you, and we're here for you."

Amelia, still trying to wrap her head around the bizarre situation, decided that perhaps it was best to go along with whatever game these three men were playing. They didn't appear dangerous, and her head was still throbbing from the pain, so she reasoned that resting for now might be a wise choice. Who knows, maybe she'd come up with a plan to escape once she felt better.

With a faint smile, she said, "Alright, Nathan, Sebastian, and Alexander, for now I'll believe you . But first, I'm starving. Can you guys get me something to eat? I can't think on an empty stomach."

Sebastian, ever eager to please ava, immediately jumped up from his seat and practically dashed out of the room in pursuit of food. He had an air of enthusiasm, as if fulfilling this task was his mission in life.

As Sebastian disappeared, leaving Amelia alone with Nathan and Alexander. Her discomfort around these men, whom she supposedly married, was growing, and she needed some space. She wanted to be alone in the room.

"Hey," she began, trying to sound as reasonable as possible, "I think I'd like some time alone to rest. You know, you guys are kind of... well, you're kind of making me uncomfortable."

Alexander, who had a stern and protective demeanor, exchanged a glance with Nathan. He then turned to Amelia, his eyes filled with concern. "Ava, we can't leave you alone right now. You're not well, and we don't entirely trust the servants here. We need to take care of you ourselves to make sure you're safe."

Nathan chimed in, his tone gentle and reassuring, "Please, Ava, let us take care of you. We're your husbands, after all, and we want what's best for you."

Amelia felt conflicted. On one hand, their concern was touching, but on the other, the situation was growing increasingly uncomfortable. "Alright," she finally relented, "but can you guys at least try not to hover over me so much? I mean, we're married, right? Shouldn't we have atleast some privacy?"

Nathan and Alexander exchanged another look, and it was clear they were navigating uncharted territory with Ava's amnesia. But they nodded in agreement, understanding her need for space.

Nathan assured her, "Of course, Ava. We'll give you some space, but know that we're just a shout away if you need anything."

As the room fell into a temporary silence, Amelia rested on the comfortable bed, her thoughts spinning like a whirlwind. Her encounter with Nathan, Sebastian, and Alexander had taken an unexpected turn. They believed she was their dear wife, Ava, suffering from amnesia, but in reality, Amelia was far from an amnesiac. She had to play along for now, gather more information, and figure out what was truly happening.

Minutes turned into an hour, and the hunger in her stomach grew more pronounced. Just as she was about to call out to someone, the door swung open, and Sebastian entered, carrying a tray with a variety of dishes.

Sebastian's face lit up as he saw Amelia, and he placed the tray on a nearby table. "Ava, I brought you some food," he said with a warm smile.
Amelia couldn't help but appreciate Sebastian's thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Sebastian," she replied with gratitude. "This looks amazing."
Sebastian nodded, his eyes filled with a gentle kindness. "I tried to cook all your favorite dishes. Hopefully, you'll enjoy them."

Amelia savored each bite, pleasantly surprised by the burst of flavors on her palate. "Did you cook all of this?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her eyes. The table showcased Sebastian's culinary skills with a selection of dishes-a quick but challenging-to-perfect stir-fried chicken, vibrant sautéed vegetables, and a fresh, crisp salad.

Sebastian, basking in Amelia's enjoyment, nodded with a satisfied smile. "Yes, I did," he replied. As Amelia continued to express her delight, he revealed, "I've always enjoyed making food for you. Seeing you smile while savoring my dishes has been my greatest joy."

"But," Sebastian began with a hint of sadness in his eyes, the words hanging in the air. He took a seat nearby, providing her with some space, yet remaining within reach, a silent support in the midst of her disorienting situation. Amelia couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and concern, wondering what unspoken thoughts lingered behind his paused sentence.

As they sat there, the room seemed to pulse with the weight of unspoken truths. Amelia knew that unraveling the mystery behind her presence in this peculiar scenario would require delicate probing.
Between bites, Amelia decided to continue her quest for information. "Sebastian, I can't help but wonder... what's our story? How did we meet, fall in love, and get married? It feels like I've been dropped into the middle of a book, and I'm missing the first few chapters."

Sebastian's eyes lit up, pleased that Amelia was showing interest in him. He cleared his throat and began to share their story. "I am a respected purveyor of rare spices and exotic ingredients, Ava. My trade has flourished, and I've established a reputable business in this city, known for providing the finest culinary treasures from around the world."
Amelia's curiosity piqued further. "A successful purveyor of rare spices and exotic ingredients? Tell me more."

Sebastian continued, "Yes, my business ventures have brought wealth and recognition. But the thing that you like most about me and the reason you married me is because I was able to win your heart with my music skills."
Amelia's eyes widened with intrigue. "Music skills?"
Sebastian nodded with a smile. "Indeed, Ava. I have a deep passion for music, and it was through my compositions that I was able to capture your heart. I'll never forget the day you told me that my melodies spoke to your soul."
Amelia asked, her curiosity driving her forward, "Can you play it for me, Sebastian?"

Sebastian's face lit up, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Ava. I'd be delighted to play for you." He reached for a nearby lute and with practiced hands, he plucked the strings and began to play a hauntingly beautiful melody that filled the room.
As the music swirled around her, Amelia couldn't help but be captivated by Sebastian's skill and the emotions woven into the song. It was a moment of both enchantment and intrigue, and she found herself drawn into the melody's spell.
As the last notes of the melody faded away, Sebastian looked at Amelia, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Ava, I hope this music has conveyed even a fraction of the love and devotion I feel for you."

Amelia, still pretending, offered him a warm smile. "It was truly beautiful, Sebastian. Thank you for sharing it with me."

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