Chapter 10: Entering the Snow Globe

Comenzar desde el principio

March 7th: That's the problem, I don't remember a thing.

She frowns at this issue as she continues, not noticing the AR Gundam girls watching behind the scenes.

March 7th: Who I am, where I'm from, my name... it's like everything was erased from my mind. "March 7th" was the day they found me, so it stuck in my head as my name.

She then summons her bow which is modified to be filled with GN Particles in the coloration of her colors like the other Trailblazers of the crew.

March 7th: Ever since then, I've been hanging out on this train and following it to whatever destination it decides to stop at. I'm hoping that one day, I can find my past.

But then she saw the mood slowly turning into a gloomy one and disturbed it by shaking her head off from those thoughts.

March 7th: Ugh, what am I talking about this for? Way to get everyone down, huh?

Stelle doesn't have words to answer as she's processing the information she got but her thoughts were quickly disturbed by March's cheerfulness.

March 7th: Cheer up, Stelle! It's not every day someone gets to ride on the Astral Express. Not to mention, the hardest yet the best mentors of combat I've ever met!

Stelle smiles knowing that Y/n has some good allies he trusts and trains with. However, she has this feeling that Kafka and Y/n are somehow related to each other. However, she heard March seeing the conductor go towards them.

March 7th: Ah, here comes the conductor!

Pom-Pom: The Express has reached a safe distance from the space station. We'll be jumping in about ten minutes. Return to your seats please, both of you. Things could get bumpy even though we got ourselves a few upgrades!

March 7th: Uh... thanks, Pom-Pom. But did you have to come and remind me? I'm not a newbie, you know~

Pom-Pom: Well, it wouldn't be necessary, but Ms. March 7th likes to challenge herself *sighs* and falls over every time.

Pom-Pom's face has the expression of being dumbfounded by March's doing of staying balanced while the train is warp jumping. But March couldn't care less as she sees this as positivity and not idiocy.

March 7th: That's just called never giving up! Hehe~

Pom-Pom just sighs and goes to the control car and assists the CB members including Eri as they're about to warp jump to their next destination. But before that, she saw Suletta sitting beside her as she greeted her.

Suletta: H-Hello, Ms. Stelle.

Stelle: Um, who are you?

Suletta: My name is Suletta Mercury or you can just call me Suletta.

Stelle: I've never seen you before with the other members, when did you join?

Suletta: Um... It's a long story... But maybe another time, 'cause we're about to warp jump. This could get really bumpy like that bunny conductor and my sister says.

As she left hurriedly to get to her seat, Pom-Pom announced herself in the loudspeakers.

Pom-Pom: Hello? Hello hello? All passengers, please return to your seats.

March is muttering that she won't fall over, again.

March 7th: ...I won't fall over! I won't fall over!

Pom-Pom: The train is about to make the jump! Hold on, everyone!

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