141 Short (4/4): Wedding Day

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(A/n: For reference play the vid at the top)

2 hours before wedding

Y/n: Bravo-6 to Griggs. Go green.

Griggs: Copy Actual, Demon squads are under attack by Zakhaev's men, we have cordon off the silo!

Griggs is the leader of SSF squad, Demon Dogs. They joined forces with Y/n's 141 after discovering the recent issues of Zakhaev and his goons are the survivors of SAL, included their potential target.

Y/n: Gaz, report.

In Verdansk's satellite tower, Gaz and Ghost are hacking into the coms of Zakhae and the remaining loose ends which its the SAL survivors that has gone dark and joined forces with the psycho-path's apprentice.

Gaz: At the tower with Ghost. We hacked Zakhaev's comms.

Ghost: He's up, stand by for connection.

Ghost connects the coms to Zakhaev which he was located from the silo which the Demon Dogs are in the right now.

Zakhaev: Our victory will be decisive! Together, we put a knife to the neck of history, along with Benerit Group's CEO Miorine Rembran... It's time now for their final act and our final cut!

Suddenly Ghost and Gaz saw incoming enemies and decides to goes on to their Gundam armor forms and began to silently kill them. Y/n noticed the energy readings are spiking.

Y/n: All stations be advised Zakhaev's lighting the fuse, we don't have much time! He's targeted the wedding venue and the damage will be catastrophic! Soap, where are you?

Soap: At the entry with Olcott, creating a diversion.

Olcott: Guards are coming our way now, Actual.

Y/n: Keep them busy for now, I'm going after the apprentice.

Inside the nuke silo, Zakhaev is making his grand speech for the whole Verdansk citizens. He;'s

Zakhaev: They came to Verdansk to stop us, but they couldn't resist fighting each other... This war is 24 years in the making... No more treaties, no more diplomacy... These weapons will no longer lie dormant. 

Zakhaev then goes to the controls and activated it. He then looked at the glorious missile, containing a Stellaron.

Zakhaev: Your work is not in vain and will be made complete at last, Master. 

Suddenly he saw the hallway's light near him turned off. He points his dual pistols towards it.

Zakhaev: Show yourself!  You're wasting your- GRAGH!!!

He was shot by a pink beam at the shoulder making his hand let go of the gun. 

From the darkness, a armored human-size Gundam walks out of the shadows. A faceplate is moving and it shows Y/n with his eyes glowing Innovator.

 A faceplate is moving and it shows Y/n with his eyes glowing Innovator

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