Beyblade Club: Let's Get Started!

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"Please let me!"


Valt put on a cardboard hanging with Valtryek's drawing.

"All right!" Valt said. "Let's do this!"

"Just letting you know, I'm not joining your club yet," you said.

"Why?!" Valt whined as he pouted at you.

"Look, I do have passion in beyblade but the problem is, I still need to decide," you said. Valt sighed and nodded.

"Alright but remember, you're my best friend!" Valt said. You sweatdropped.

"Alright, alright," you sighed. "I'll be at the rooftop if you need me," turning around, you walked up to the rooftop.


"Yo, join the Beyblade Club!" Valt approached some kids.

"I'm in the Baseball Club," the boy said.

"Basketball," replied another kid.

"We're in Drama Club,"

"Join the Beyblade Club? It'll be fun!"

"How about it!?"

"Sorry, can't..."

"Wanna join!?"

"We're busy..."

"Come on, join!"


"You'll obviously join, won't you, Honcho?"

Rantaro look up from his comic book. "What's this about?"

"It's the Beyclub!" Valt replied.

"The heck's that?" Rantaro shut his book and put it down on the bench.

"I thought of it while training at the river!" Valt said.


"Three, two, one... Let it... Rip!" Valt, as usual, training launching. "Three, two, one... Let it... Rip!" Then, he got thrown front and then, a sudden lightning strike on him.

Then, his eyes lit up. "That's it!"

[End Flashback]

"Way better than practicing alone, right!?" Valt said. You were done training alone and approach the boys. "We'll be able to fight each other all the time!"

"Was that really that hard to come up with?" Rantaro said.

"If the club's made we might even get our own club area to practice in," Valt said.

"That's awesome!" Rantaro stood up.

"Am I right?" Valt said, you sweatdropped at them. Valt saw you. "You obviously join, right?"

"Let me decide, damn it," you sweatdropped. Valt pouted and then, look at Rantaro.

"But to make it, we need five people or more..." Valt said.

"How many we got now?" Rantaro asked.

"Huh? One," Valt pointed to himself. Then he showed two fingers. "With you, two. That's it!"

"Just two of us?" Rantaro sweatdropped.

"I've only just started recruiting," Valt said.

"Oh well. Guess I'll join," Rantaro said.

"Thanks, Honcho!" Valt handshake Rantaro. "You're a true man!"

You just sweatdropped.

"Quit it, moron, you're making me blush," Rantaro blushed in embarrassment.

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