Broken Trust: part 2- Tara Carpenter

Start from the beginning

"Damn it," you whispered to yourself, turning to Chad quickly. "Don't let her out of your sight, and don't let her follow me." You didn't even wait for a response from the boy before you pushed your girlfriend into him and began the trek back up the stairs.

You ignored the yelling that came from both Tara and Chad as you charged back into the apartment, watching as Ethan tried to bang down Tara's bedroom door. You knew that Quinn and Tara shared a bathroom, so you quickly ran through there, ignoring Quinn's dead boyfriend, and locking all of the doors behind you.

The girls screamed as you walked in, but calmed when they realized it was you. That was when you noticed the large cut on Mindy's upper arm, and the blood oozing from Anika's abdomen

"Why the hell are you here?" Sam yelled, prying Tara's bedroom window open much like you had a couple of nights before. "Where is Tara?"

"Tara and Chad are safe." You replied quickly, your words being affirmed as you saw the two of them emerge in Danny's window as he began to pass a ladder over. "Plus, letting my girlfriend's sister die isn't super cool." You joked.

Then there was a loud bang from the door behind you, and repeating your actions from the other day you pulled the dresser in front of it, this time using your legs and back to keep it steady as you pushed.

Sam quickly ushered Anika onto the ladder and she climbed across quickly, making it to safety in Danny's home, Mindy going next. All of this time you could see Tara through both windows, her eyes never leaving yours as her worry grew.

"Alright Sam, go." You hissed as soon as Mindy was across, the dresser behind you was starting to give out, and there was no way in hell you were letting Sam be the one death of the night. "Sam. Go!" Thankfully, she listened to you and began her climb across the ladder.

As soon as she was across there was a chorus of your name being screamed, everyone begging and pleading for you to get across the ladder, but you knew that wasn't possible. As soon as you let go of the dresser, Ethan would enter the room.

If you climbed on the ladder, he would have to make you fall in some way and you would actually die because he wouldn't be able to just stand there and watch you escape without giving away your identity. So there was no way you could get on that ladder.

You finally let go of the dresser and ran to the window, the eye contact with Tara killing you. You grabbed the end of the ladder, your grip tight before you looked right at her. "I love you Tara." And then you pushed the ladder away from you, causing it to fall out of the window.

You couldn't handle hearing the broken sobs and pleas that came from your girlfriend, so you slammed the window shut and turned your back to it right as Ethan finally broke in.

"Pretend to kill me, your dad will play it off like he is going to with Quinn." You hissed to him quickly, knowing it was the only way to get out of this alive with your friends not suspecting you yet.

"No, y/n!" You heard from outside, the screams of your friends being so loud that even the glass couldn't block them out, but you tried your best to ignore it. Ethan gave you a small nod, and you knew it was time to 'die'

You rushed towards him as if you were going to hit him, but then he slashed his knife at you, and you took this as your opportunity to fall to the floor. He then straddled you and began stabbing all around you.

To make it believable, you screamed a few times and tried to grab at his mask, missing every time. Then you let your arms fall limp to the side, and he finally stopped. The sound of Tara's sobs and Chad's incoherent cursing filled your senses, and you couldn't help the few tears that fell down your face.

Now all that was left to do was wait for Detective Bailey to sneak your 'body' out of there, and then the four of you to prepare to kill all of the people you loved.

***Time skip***

You were waiting in the corner of the room, listening to Ethan make his huge speech about how fun it was to kill Chad and the shock and awe that came from Quinn still being alive. "And actually, I've got one more surprise for you all." He yelled, your head snapping up at your cue to enter the room.

The shame that filled you was almost too much to bear. Even though you hadn't killed anyone, you also hadn't been successful in stopping them from almost killing Anika and Mindy, and now apparently killing Chad. But despite this, you walked out of the shadows, seeing Tara and Sam both turn their heads toward you.

They still didn't know who you were because of the mask residing on your face, and you wished you could keep it that way, but you knew that wasn't an option.

"Come on. Show that pretty face." Quinn taunted as you fully stepped into the light, standing right next to her. You reluctantly reached your hand up, grabbing the bottom of your mask, and peeling it off of your face.

The gasp that came from Tara broke every bit of life in you, making you feel as if you had been the person behind every horrendous act that had ever taken place. And as she began to cry, you couldn't take it any longer.

"It's not what it looks like." You said quickly, your gaze turning to Sam whose expression was one of pure hatred. You knew there wasn't going to be an easy way to explain this, and at this point, you didn't expect them to believe you either.

"Really y/n? Then what the fuck is it?" She spat back, grabbing onto her sister. At that moment, you knew words would never be enough, so you did what you had been waiting to do since you first learned of Quinn and Ethan's plan.

You gripped your knife tightly and turned to the woman next to you, plunging it deep into her chest in one movement, both her brother and father standing there stunned. And as you watched the life leave Quinn's eyes, you knew it had started.

The beginning of the end.

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