You stop pulling and look at Tyler. "What? Tyler, I'm fine." You insist. "Why the hell wouldn't I be?" You ask him. 

"I don't like Yuta. Never have." Tyler replies. "And I especially don't like him always hovering over you like some fucking guard dog." He grits his teeth. 

"We're playing a couple, Tyler." You roll your eyes and manage to pull your hand free this time. "That's what couples do! That's what you used to do!" You remind him. "God, what is wrong with you? You broke up with me, Ty!" 

Tyler hangs his head and solemnly nods. "I know." He replies quietly. "It was a mistake." 

"A mistake?" You scoff. "I'm leaving, Tyler. Don't follow me." You turn sharply on your heel and swing the door open harshly. 

Tyler remains in place as you stomp back to the BCC locker room. Wheeler is ready for his match when you arrive but he notices right away that you seem pissed off. 

"YN? What's up? You look pissed." Wheeler walks over to you. 

"I'm fine." You reply dryly. 

Wheeler nods and the two of you head out to the ring for his match. Wheeler does his usual entrance and you hang at his side playing the mischievous doting girlfriend. The two of you make it to the ring and you kiss Wheelers cheek before he heads inside the ring. 

Wheelers opponent for the night comes down to the ring and you take your place in Wheeler's corner on the floor. The bell rings and Wheeler gets to work. You hang out and watch Wheeler take down his opponent. You cheer for Yuta and belittle his opponent to distract him. Wheeler ends up pulling a win by using the ring ropes as leverage when the referee isn't looking. The bell rings again and you cheer for Yuta as you hop into the ring to celebrate with him. 

"Better look next time, loser." You step over Wheeler's fallen opponent with a laugh. "Yuta! Nice work, baby!" You giggle and attach yourself to Wheeler's side to show off for the crowd. 

You and Wheeler flourish a bit for the audience, acting like a happy couple. The two of you are to busy messing around to notice Wheeler's opponent pick himself off the mat and rush Wheeler with little regard for you. 

"Crap! YN, look out!" Wheeler spots his attacker right before he's on you and gives you a shove away from him. 

You stumble backwards and trip over your own feet. Your clumsiness gets the better of you and you slip right through the middle rope and tumble to the floor. Wheeler quickly dispatches his attacker and slides down to the floor to check on you. But as he's making his way out of the ring he spots Tyler come barreling down the ramp as well.

"YN! Are you alright!" Tyler reaches your side just as Wheeler makes it to the floor at your feet. 

"Tyler?" You stare up at him. "What are you doing out here?" You confront him. 

Wheeler kneels down and grabs your arm to help you to your feet. You lean on him and stand up straight with Tyler hovering as close as possible. 

"I saw you fall." Tyler explains. "I just wanted to make sure that you're alright." 

"That's what I'm here for." Wheeler replies in a snarky tone. "YN, you're alright, right?" He turns to check on you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shove you that hard. But I wanted to make sure that you were out of the way." He explains. 

You nod and pat Wheeler's arm. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've had way worse bumps than that, Yuta." You assure him. "Tyler, you can't just come out here like this!" You turn back to Tyler standing silently next to you. "We're not together anymore! Enough!" You reminds him yet again.

"What? We broke up so I'm not allowed to be concerned for your safety?" Tyler protests. "I still care about you, YN. Which is more than I can say about this tool." He sneers at Wheeler. 

"Excuse me?" Wheeler snaps back at him. "I care about, YN! Why don't you screw off, pretty boy!" He puffs his chest out at Tyler. 

You step between the pair before a fight breaks out. "That's enough!" You shout at them both. "Come on Wheeler, let's go." You turn to him and grab his arm. "Tyler. I appreciate that you wanted to make sure that I'm alright. But enough is enough. You broke up with me. So do like you wanted and stay away." 

Tyler nods at you with a soft expression and steps back to give you space. 

"Yeah, you heard her. Back off." Wheeler adds with a sneer. 

"You'd better shut  your mouth." Tyler mumbles to himself but remains in place because you asked him to back off. 

You and Wheeler head up the ramp and Wheeler throws an arm around you to tease Tyler. You roll your eyes but know that there's nothing you can do about it. Boys will be boys. And right now they're competing to see who's the better man. 

Wrestling One-Shots Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now