Chapter 65: First Release on Jinjiang Literature City

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The two of them spent a few days like this, picking wild vegetables and making soup in the clay pot for meals, getting by. During the day, Jiang Qingxue carried Lin Yuansheng and hurried on the road, and at night, they each slept in their own territory.

Except for every time they woke up and found Jiang Qingxue and Lin Yuansheng inexplicably rolling together, the days were relatively simple and plain.

After a few days, Jiang Qingxue secretly went down the mountain to take a look and found that they had already passed Huainan City. There were many ragged men and women on the road, as if they had escaped for their lives just like them.

That's true. The towns in front of Huainan City have all suffered, and many refugees have fled to Huainan City. However, Huainan City is too busy to take care of them. If these women who came to seek refuge want their families to be taken in, they must join the army.

Some who are unwilling to join the army carry their families and escape secretly. Together with the wave of people from Huainan City who feel unsafe and flee, it is quite spectacular on the road.

When there were more people from Fengchao together, Jiang Qingxue and Lin Yuansheng dared to come down from the mountain and blend into the crowd.

Although their clothes were not ragged, they were not in good condition either. There were many branches on the mountain, and their clothes would inevitably get torn a bit. Both of their clothes were a bit worn out. Fortunately, there was thick cotton inside, so even when the wind blew during the day, they wouldn't feel cold.

Jiang Qingxue supported Lin Yuansheng and asked him while walking, "Is your leg okay? Does it hurt? When we enter the city later, I'll find a doctor for you."

The care from a loved one always makes people feel warm. Lin Yuansheng relaxed his brows and gently shook his head, softly saying, "Wife, I'm fine. I don't need to see a doctor."

Jiang Qingxue muttered, "That won't do. What if your leg becomes lame?"

Hearing these words, his heart warmed. His wife was so worried about him.

However, the next sentence quickly made his face turn cold.

He only heard his wife say, "You promised me that once we find a place to settle down in the city, you will divorce me. You can't go back on your word."

Lin Yuansheng paused for a moment, and his expression instantly turned gloomy. The previous good mood and tenderness were completely destroyed by her.

Did she only think about divorce?

Could it be that all her kindness towards me these days was just to make me agree to divorce?

Lin Yuansheng didn't expect that there could be such a heartless person in the world. The more he thought about it, the sadder he felt, with a slight redness at the corners of his eyes. He clenched his teeth and remained silent.

Jiang Qingxue, on the other hand, kept urging him, "Hey, did you hear me? Remember to divorce me."

Originally, when she came over, she intended to divorce, but at that time, she was more stubborn and determined to divorce less. If Lin Yuansheng had brought up the matter of seeing the divorce letter early on, begged her earnestly, and shed some tears, maybe she would have softened her heart and not divorced, right?

But he didn't. He damn well tied her up directly.

Jiang Qingxue couldn't forget the four days when she lost her personal freedom. Those four days were very dark, really. She wanted to escape but couldn't, couldn't even move. All day long, she could only talk to herself in front of a bed. And what's more, Lin Yuansheng was often not there!

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